5 Ways Sugar is Like Sex

5 Ways Sugar is Like Sex


They both show up when you least expect it. I have a young child at home so I try to be really careful about what we watch on television. Youtube has been my prefered source for watching videos because I can have better control over what he sees. Or so I thought. One evening, I entered asearch for one of our favorites,“Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.” Several really cute and appropriate versions popped up. As my son and I were scrolling for THE ONE, there, mixed in for no apparent reason, were videos of women holding teddy bears, dressed in teddies, or AS teddies, and clearly not what a child should see.

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Life & Music. And See That's The Thing

Life & Music. And See That's The Thing

I’ve expressed my love for music & ya’ll know I’m a bit kooky. I often relate things happening in my life to the music I am listening to. While it is not specific to the song’s lyrics or meaning; a phrase, a verse or the hook may spark a thought.

Life set to And See That’s The Thing, Deja Trimble (DeJ Loaf)

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No Country For Old Men

How awesome is this narcissism; sitting on the couch with my iPhone, iPad Air and MacBook Pro everything in sync. Michelle, who is sitting on the couch with me, seemingly annoyed with the simultaneous notifications. & then my Apple life flashed in front of me, my photos are not syncing to my iPhone...

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Vacation and the Art of Presence

My family and I squeezed in another vacation a few weeks ago; a mini reunion in Alabama. I have a cousin who is retired military and he was able to secure cabins for us at an incredible discount. Keyword; Cabins, as you might imagine we were surrounded by the outdoors but this is perfect for me. I Am an early riser and on the second morning after our arrival I sat outside on the cabin’s front stoop; my e-reader opened to Between the World and Me, but I have no desire to read. There was peace and silence.

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In To Me See


When I moved to Atlanta I became quickly enamored with the amount of melanin in the metro area. One of my favorite things to do involved people watching in Underground. One day while taking in the sights, sounds and smells a young woman approached me from the stairs of the Dollar Store. She stopped and chatted’ me up. Most of you know from previous post that I have no idea when a woman is hitting on me.

She gassed me from the start...

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Confrontational Honesty

When Michelle & I started dating we visited Charleston, SC. While amazed at the culture, food and charm of the city I would be remiss if I did not state how sensitive to my surroundings I had become; the vendors on the market, the owners of the shops and restaurants and especially while on a tour of a plantation. Even more reticent when faced with the tour being rushed so they could set up for an onsite wedding that evening.

In retrospect I didn’t know how to effectively communicate my feelings so I remained silent. 

Not speaking about the facets of racism only silences those who endure it. It does not erase the actions of those who engage in it or will engage in it in a number of ways; from individual to individual, legislatively, culturally (from law enforcement, banks, schools etc.) to of course the media.

Find your voice. 

I Am

Detached Observer

Detached Observer

At times I Am an avid listener; I have family, friends and co-workers who call me to complain, often daily, but they are not seeking advice. (Even when they are fortunate enough to have a problem with a clear solution, they will ignore it and continue to complain.) At those times, I realize that they only seek to vent,. they are not seeking a solution nor would they implement one if it presented itself. This is what it sounds like when doves cry. It also sharpens my listening skills as I become a detached observer, allowing them the space to talk it out.

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Good Tasting Medicine

Good Tasting Medicine

Caught up in a reverie.  One Summer in D.C., while playing in an abandonded pickup truck, I cut my left knee on an old, rusted hubcap. I'm horrible with time/age, I imagine I was five or six. I recall not being able to sleep at night. In part due to the pain but mostly by not being able to move/shift my body into a comfortable position.

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Belief & Logic

Belief & Logic

We have been taught to believe many things. Questioning those learned behaviors can be great for logical calisthenics. 


Im here writing about nothing, journaling my thoughts at four-thirty in the AM for no apparent reason other than laughing to keep from crying at the biggest opportunity in my relationship with The Future...

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Random Observation #2,916

Random Observation #2,916

Unsociable Behavior

While on our morning walk, Maestro our 2 year old Cocker Spaniel, rarely barks. The dogs in our neighborhood are either behind fences or kept indoors. There is one however that is on a chain and the owner(s) normally leave him unattended in the front yard. He is pretty agressive to passerbys; canines and people alike. 

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A Young Dog Taught Me Old Tricks

A Young Dog Taught Me Old Tricks

Dog people bear witness to the incredible focus of their four-legged friends. While we prepare food or eat a meal their heads never shift, eyes locked, concentrating on every hand movement or every bite. While I steal time everyday to reflect, their mental experience encourages me to meditate. The absence of intention, without distractions has to be beneficial to both mental and physical health. 

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The Post About Nothing

The Post About Nothing

At Work

Doesn't matter what time someone comes in; 7:30 AM or 10:30 AM the conversation is always about lunch. “What’s for lunch?” “What are we eating today?” This leads to discussions about food; Meatloaf Monday, Taco Tuesday … this leads to someone saying an unfamiliar term like “pop” we call it soda 'round these parts … this leads to me laughing so hard as we discuss the proper pronunciation of Crayon

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Work, Slight.

I was introverted, not shy in junior and senior high school. I had a popular older sister [by three years] and it afforded me a lot of favor with the upper classmen.  I recently re-signed up on “the book”, please note I did it for the 7 extra spaces on the Target Cartwheel app. I also loved the Paper app but it was useless without an active account. Having not used the book in year(s) I thought all was lost, but living souls still there sharing and shining.

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