Life Changes - Chris

Life Changes - Chris


So… I have written something for this exactly 12 times since my longtime friend, the illustrious Mr. Tramuel, graciously extended an invitation to participate. The previous 12 all have found the virtual circular file (or was it rectangular), and here I sit reliving my college experience of writing a paper the night before it is due. I was ecstatic about the invite, and I thought of the many ways that I could expound on the subject. Seeing that I am 52 but looking like a spry 51-year-old I thought that I could extol on my great escape from the grips of father time and how my way of life should be the blueprint for making it to the ripe old age of Methuselah. However, a quick visit to the mirror reminded me that I hadn’t escaped from father time unscathed. The gray in my beard and the spare tire quickly brought me back from my bourbon-induced hallucination and planted my feet firmly back into reality. It was very good bourbon though.

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Love From Living Things

I recently started using Proton Mail, it provides end-to-end encrypted email through a web interface and mobile app. It will replace all other clients for me and I’ve started to delete my footprint(s) on Yahoo, Outlook and Gmail – In that process I came across my responses to a series Sunny did for her blog where she asked

 "Are you more like your mom or your dad?  In what way?"

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I Love Google Voice & I Love This Dude


Google Voice Msg.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Fashion conscious at age seven. He saw something that he liked in a store at the mall & is now asking if I'm coming to pick him up on Wednesday (My evening off from work) because he is waiting. Lol! He volunteered me to go back and get it.