Brainwashed By Tom Burrell
/My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Thought provoking, capable of starting a social revolution. Mr. Burrell goes beyond exposing the problems infecting our mental psyche by providing us with the why; Why we feel, think and believe the myth's, stereotypes and generalizations presented to us. Brainwashed provides many teaching moments. For me the BIGgest take away is to not become overly attached to an idea, thought, phrase or image; Because someone or something you trust says it, writes it or prints it doesn't make it real. Remain somewhat skeptical from time to time.
Can You Hear Me Now? by Dyson
/My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Great compilation of Dyson's "Truths" ... hammering out basic principles, effectively communicated in a thought provoking way.
Practical Intelligence: The Art and Science of Common Sense ~ Karl Albrecht
Practical Intelligence: The Art and Science of Common Sense by Karl Albrecht
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Work and Play. Karl's approach to encouraging us to think "inside" the box to apply critical thinking, practically is written with a balance of childlike and adult behavior. The use of language skills to discuss, deduce and judge so that we may reason logically and accurately. Science! Yes, science is true ... don't be misled by facts.
Harlem Is Nowhere: A Journey To The Mecca of Black America ~ Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts
Harlem is Nowhere: A Journey to the Mecca of Black America by Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Great read, very colorful. It was if I stepped back in time, I appreciate the "overheard" conversation style of the book. Current copy was borrowed, it is strong enough that I will purchase my own.
Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self ~ Danielle Evans
Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self by Danielle Evans
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A well put together series of completely unique short stories, a perfect way for me to refine and broaden my emotional palette. The common theme to me was about choices and how our environment; immediate and extended effects us. Family and community are often the BIGgest deterrent when faced with insecurities about ourselves. I appreciate that Danielle didn't write only about girls and women, she tells the stories of brothers and fathers.
Another take away for me is that she tells the Black perspective in a non stereotypical way, presenting an intelligent Black experience.
Raven's Brew
Raven's Brew by
Christina P. Davis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
My copy arrived this morning. I skimmed through the contents to get a feel for the book. The titles are creative and grabbed my attention, the actual poem(s) held it. I began reading on the ride to work (Mass Transit - Never read & drive),while at lunch, break and on the ride home. I was unable to stop reading, I read each once, twice and thrice. First to gain an understanding of the writers intentions, second to gain understanding of my own interpretation and lastly to relate that understanding to my personal experiences. I love poetry and appreciate the way writers effectively communicate by colliding words through thought onto paper. This is a book review, so Raven's Brew inspires creative thought through a series serendipitous occurrences ...