Excuse Me Maam, Sir … There Is Something On Your Nose

_42924117_noseaward203 Human Resource, Policies & Procedures, Code of Ethics, Employment At Will & Brown-nosing … office politics. It is not necessary to run for a public office to be immersed in politics. Politics by definition refers to the process and method of decision-making. Awww, that’s nice but I graciously decline your definition Mr. Webster, sir. Politics is about power; the ability to impose ones will on another.

I’ve given thought to and observed behaviors on my current cubical farm that closely match that of brown-nosing. I write closely because I don’t like all of the connotations associated with the phrase. I don’t know if you should list your ability to compliment and fawn as a transferable skill on a resume nor do I believe it would be a desired trait, however flattery is powerful. We've all used flattery for some sort of personal gain. Imagine the dynamics of your current relationship, sucking up to the love of your life because they hold the power to give you what you want or to make your life hell. Extreme? Yes, but only to make a point that most of you seek ways to gain favor with those who have or hold some form of power. To quote the intricate teachings of the honorable Mr. West “No W{o}{ne}Man should have all that power.” No One, No Woman & No Man should have all that power.

The Point

I believe in improving working relationships with peers and management. In order to get things done and to advance you may have to actively participate in office politics. There is a difference however in brown-nosing and providing positive feedback.

Be Real.

Brown-nosing is not real or authentic, it becomes self-serving an obvious after a point. I am not a member of The Institute for Workplace Studies but I have applied fifty times so that makes me an expert … by default, Science. So listen to me now and believe me later. You can be successful by using the transferable skills you copied from your friends resume. You know; Effective communicator, Strong interpersonal, Ability to build collaborative relationships & Self confidence. The last skill is probably were it gets gray for most. While you live & breathe positivity you don’t want to come across as someone who is too aggressive, on the back hand side you shouldn’t play the Herb by being too afraid of being seen. It is a delicate duality, find balance. The best way to achieve this is to Be Real. We See You. Stroke folk when they do something you genuinely appreciate, or when they create and implement great ideas. Do not stroke them because you believe it will gain you favor.


My motto has been “Pay Me, Don’t Stroke Me” … I believe my performance should speak for itself. I don’t believe my ability to bullshit should be the basis for anything. My work ethic along with real competencies; Fostering teamwork, Managing change {‘cause isht changes every week}, Customer orientation, Forward thinking, Conceptual thinking & Managing performance should be seen, I mean I’m monitored for everything else. What it all confirms for me is that I am not built for indentured servitude. We need our own.

Mr. “Get Out Of My Nose Trying To Be The Booger Man” TramueL

Quality of Life


"For the sake of making a living we forget to live"

Working soo much I keep missing the most important calls in the world.

Lil MrTramueL™.1.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Lil MrTramueL™.2.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Lil MrTramueL™.3.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Love is greater than ...

Likes & (Dis)Likes ... In The Same Breath

Depending on someone.

I’m usually reserved when it comes to asking others for help. I don’t know why … the subject is probably the discussion for another post, so when I do ask it’s usually because I really need it. The problem for me looking for someone to “carry” me is that I always get dropped.

I like the fact that I have only a few that I can depend on, I dislike the fact that it’s only a few.


Talking to someone.

Here comes the introvert again. I really am energized by spending time with Mr.TramueL but there are times when I need /want conversation, no thank you to the celebrity gossip and no I don’t want Einstein’s theory of relativity. I appreciate a happy median. I know it’s time for me to find an outlet when my mama tells me after 15 minutes that she really has to go. I’m the DJ, they’re the rappers, they do all of the talking while I listen and produce the track. Always the DJ never the rapper.

I like that I have friends that can hold a conversation, I dislike that I have friends that can hold a conversation.


Listening to someone.

I don’t know what it is about me that make folk wanna open up and tell me all of their private times & the whole nine. In line at the grocery store, at the gas station, walking up the street  … I am a magnet. Muted but direct, give up conversation but don’t say nothing.

I like the fact that I’m able to impart my impractical wisdumb, I dislike the fact that it’s with total strangers.


Watching Good Times.

My schedule allows me to watch a little television in the mornings, rather than start the day with the news (depressing) or sports I choose to watch sitcoms or a network series. Good Times were anything but. 1ne episode in general has JJ looking to "wife" a teenage girl that was totally PG, not in a movie but like Mary was with Jesus. I would have like them to talk about protected sex and choices (adoption) rather than abortion right off the bat. There were a few other random TramueLism's that I observed, but that's all that I will write. The end.

I like the messages that the writers execute on the show, I dislike the messages that the writers execute on the show.


Working for someone.

I’m happy to be (RE)gainfully employed however there are far better ways to make a living than indentured servitude.

I like the fact that I am able to exist. I dislike the fact that I am only able to exist.


Mr. “ Amicability and Animosity” TramueL