Independently Dependent - J. Immanuel

I think this is a load of crap...

There’s been so much talk lately about what men and women bring to the table.

I’m sure you’ve heard it…unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere.

I don’t understand why men and women are going to war over something so trivial.

As a woman of faith, I’m sure you know that you’re not a table…


At least I hope you know that.

In case you don’t, let me say it clearly…


If you’re a woman of faith, you should be are more than a table.

Now don’t get what I said twisted.

I’m not pandering or trying to tell you what you wanna hear.

Not at all.

I don’t have to look any further than the Bible to know that a woman of faith is more than a table.

You know the Proverbs 31 woman right? (that’s my homegyrl)

On top of that, she doesn’t have to puff her chest out, raise her voice and try to convince men that she’s valuable.

Real talk…

The louder a woman has to scream about how much she brings to the table or insists that she IS the table…

I know that’s a woman who has NO CLUE what her true value is.

Yeah, I said it.

Sorry, not sorry.

A woman who truly knows her value doesn’t have to stand on a soapbox, scream and debate every man she crosses paths with.

As a woman of faith, you should be a woman of grace, elegance, and sophistication.

And you should definitely know that your value isn’t limited to being a damned table.

Whether you agree with me or not, I wanna get your take on something I recently heard a woman say.

She loudly and proudly proclaimed that:

This is the ONLY thing of VALUE women have to offer men…

Do you agree with her or nah?

Stay blessed,

J. Immanuel