Pleasure and Failure Feed Each Other Daily

Adopt a new perspective.

Right now it's easy to feel a sense of oneness with everyone around you. It's the result of an internal recalibration, rather than an external one. It doesn't have to be defined right now.

The title was pulled from my Co-Star Astrology daily update. We all have choices, and one of the largest benefits of astrology is the ability to understand ourselves better beyond for entertainment purposes only.

There aren’t many times my daily update does not have a direct correlation to my actual day. I’ve had a few conversations surrounding peace, happiness, and position in life this past week.

Right now it's easy to feel a sense of oneness with everyone around you. It's the result of an internal recalibration, rather than an external one.


When having these conversations I try to operate from the position of listening, however I’m a man and we have to fix shit. Because I am aware, I try and only offer advice if asked. The oneness is a result of having a shared or similar experience so I am able to relate. The internal recalibration is a result of being able to see how we spend some of our time acting against our own best interests. One example of doing this involves injustice collecting; using our super powers (in our mind) to conjure up different ways to feel offended, cheated, or otherwise victimized— Misuse of the emotional imagination.


An injustice collector, is unconsciously interested in generating thought processes that involve deprivation, control, criticism, and rejection. This produces tension, frustration, anger, cynicism, and depression. When we recalibrate internally, the focus shifts to generating thought processes that lead to creativity, productivity, pleasure, or relaxation.

I imagine an external recalibrating is the equivalent of posting inspirational memes instead of changing our behavior. Injustice collecting can be exchanged by becoming conscious of our inner negativity.

Adopt a new perspective,