Tramuel's Observation on Utopia

Tramuel's Observation on Utopia

I find it curious that we all believe in and desire peace in our relationships however men and women are constantly fighting on André 3000's innanet’ about the best way to achieve it.

In context of what modern women want from a man; Big bank, big dack, Uptown Condo, Million Dollar Home in Myers Park, drives a Brabus G-Wagon, writes poetry, draws, he's a thug, and a nerd, is lean like a runner, and strong like a weightlifter, he don't eat pork, but eats oysters, pays for hair and nails, buys flowers, pays all the bills, spends all his time with you, takes you to the Cheesecake Factory...

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The Four Immeasurables

The Four Immeasurables

A common unsolicited critique of me is that I Am quick to disappear and able to detach from a person, place, or thing. Random observations about nothing and yet everything over the past few weeks have me reconciling this critique.

I strive for equanimity as much as possible. I don't always succeed, I get angry or irritated like everyone else. How did I get to equanimity? We gotta go back to 1991, "Now That We Found Love" What are we gonna do with it?

That's Heavy Man…

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A Short Story Starring A Virgo

A Short Story Starring A Virgo

When your toxic traits are isolation and avoidance but your love language is physical touch and quality time, you tend to make up stories in your head.

A Short Story Starring a Virgo

A common criticism Virgo receives behind their back, more often dead in their face, is that of being nitpicky and critical. I'll come back to this but first... A Virgo is moving on up to a deluxe apartment 19 floors in the sky-eye-eye. Often cyclical, a Virgo will ask for help, and be critical of that help, thus causing a Virgo to (1) Do it themselves (2) Never ask for help again…

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Brian Has Notifications Silenced

Brian Has Notifications Silenced

Why does this trigger people?

I silence mine because I don’t want to witness the end of time, shutting myself off to the uncertainty of whatever is going on /end

It’s not that deep. Focus modes automatically silences notifications; driving, personal, work, and etcetera.

A short story starring ME…

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The Top Five Boos of All Time

The Top Five Boos of All Time

Back in the days when I was a teenager. Before I had status and before I had a pager. You could find the Abstract listening to hip hop. My pops used to say, it reminded him of be-bop. I said, well daddy don't you know that things go in cycles. The way that Bobby Brown is just ampin like Michael. It's all expected, things are for the lookin. If you got the money, Quest is for the bookin’

Things do go in cycles. Summer is coming and I’m reminded of the top five boos of all time…

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Random Observation #10,069

Random Observation #10,069

Random Observation … about nothing, yet everything

Giving a genuine, kind compliment

I believe I talked this into reality because it was a matter of conversation over the weekend. After my morning workout I stopped by Tradarius Jenkins to grab some essentials. After I parked and made my way to the door I notice a woman putting bags in her car—

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Pleasure and Failure Feed Each Other Daily

Pleasure and Failure Feed Each Other Daily

Adopt a new perspective.

Right now it's easy to feel a sense of oneness with everyone around you. It's the result of an internal recalibration, rather than an external one. It doesn't have to be defined right now.

The title is pulled directly from my Co-Star Astrology daily update. We all have choices, and one of the largest benefits of astrology is the ability to understand ourselves better beyond for entertainment purposes only.

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Someone asked me the other day if I were happy. In context I understand why. In a social media world of happiness theater, competition on happiness and not real happiness, but who could display it best online. I believe they genuinely wanted to know. especially seeing the changes in my life in real time over the past two years.

“Saying you are happy isn’t the same as being happy”

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We Fly Like That

We Fly Like That

“Falling in love” implies a descension, also a bit of risk, too. When we fall it is generally associated with something negative happening to us. I tripped and fell inside of a woman I just met and now she is carrying my baby. Bad meaning bad, not bad meaning good. In the curious case of falling in love however, we tend to glamorize and adore the fall.

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Market of Discount Dreams

Market of Discount Dreams

The other day while having a discussion about Cash Rules Everything Around Me, CREAM get the money, dollar, dollar bill Y'all. It led to a familiar discussion that I’ve been having with greater than enough frequency lately, living souls being obsessed with making the greatest amount of money with the least possible effort.

I like money, but I’ve learned it cannot make you happy. In the words of the prolific rhymer Christopher George Latore Wallace, Mo Money Mo Problems. Also, I would sign up for a test to see if $500MM would indeed make me happy – it is a delicate duality to balance.

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For Colored Boys Who Have Considered a New Barber/When their Barber is Out of the Country

For Colored Boys Who Have Considered a New Barber/When their Barber is Out of the Country

Over the Christmas and New Year Holidays, my barber traveled to Jamaica to spend the last few weeks of 2017 doing some maintenance and upkeep of a home he owns. In conversation, I eluded to the fact that I would be here in these United of States looking unkempt while he would lay on a beach looking at beautiful women kissed by the Sun. He assured me that it was not a trip for leisure.

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When Did We Start ...

When Did We Start ...

At age five my family moved into the home my parents own today. We had a dog, he had his own house outside. Only time I remember him coming inside was during a snow storm. I grew up in Virginia so I’m not speaking of regular, two hour school delay snow, because even then he was outside in his dog house. This was a storm with frigid temperatures and the only time I remember him coming inside...

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Wednesday Musings and What’s on My Mind Right Now

Wednesday Musings and What’s on My Mind Right Now

I Am participating in a 30 Day Affirmation Challenge and Day 15 stands out. As I’ve listened to others discuss ‘love’ in their relationship circles; friendship, marriage, work, and family. It is true, love can be stronger than power and inspire envy. But, Day 15 …

 I believe those I love, love me.

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Random Observation #2917

Random Observation #2917

Thug Cry

♬ Came from the hood, ain’t nothing changed/ Still lemon pepper on my motherf*ckin’ wings

Last Monday night was stressful for about twenty-five minutes.

& by stressful I mean annoying.

Lettuce' start with calling Mrs. TramueL before leaving work. I'm leaving later than normal (which is already later than most) I also have to catch a later bus.

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