Perspective Vs. Fantasy

Perspective Vs. Fantasy


The appearance of objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision. The proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it with or without a correct or sensible understanding of something’s true importance.


The creative imagination; unrestrained fancy. A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit. An imagined event or sequence of mental images such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need.

Summer time. I'm looking out the window while working, attempting to put things into perspective and becoming bored with routine and the banal.

I choose fantasy.

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Forty One Years To Life ... W. Tisdale

It's amazing how time can teach you if you (the student) is willing and open. For example, when I was 19, I used to think 35 was OLD. Now at 41, I think Tina Turner and Sidney Poitier are awesome. I used to think if I earned $50,000 I'd be rich as hell, then I reached that milestone and the folks at Discover Card wouldn't leave me alone. Today when I think of all of who have left this earth too soon, I think of aging as a gift. To the high school dropout, I say aging is a gift that teaches if you are willing to learn. To the addict, I say aging is a helluva high that requires discipline. But to all who let life pass them by without truly enjoying the day, the hour, the moment, I say time never rewinds and aging well means you never have to.- Walker Tisdale

W. Tisdale

W. Tisdale