Life Changes - The Outro

Life Changes - The Outro


Collectively, we have lost a lot over the past two years. The interconnectedness of Covid and other Life Changes owe us a check.

A commonality among the featured essays’ has been full autonomy. Whatever the experience, and/or how it is viewed— The art of self-regulation reads strong. Strengthening our sense of self by exposing and eliminating our inner conflicts. Writing (can) help facilitate that.

These conflicts consist of feeling unloved, deprived, betrayed, helpless, and on and on til’ the break of dawn.

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Life Changes - Davina

Life Changes - Davina

I wish someone would have told me that adulting is complete BS. I would love to go back to high school days, or even my college years, where I had no responsibilities, was broke as hell, but yet still managed to travel, enjoy fine dining, and just have more free time to enjoy life. I am currently in my early 30s, SINGLE AF and FNF, and just getting started in my field of study, and when I say I have no life. I LITERALLY have no life. When I’m not at work, I’m at home, mainly sleeping or catching up on my “programs” like the old lady I am, and when I’m not home I’m working my ass off only to be living paycheck to paycheck…

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