Gigolos Get Lonely Too
/Over the weekend I attempted to watch a few new television shows, but ended up going back and watching repeats of shows that I enjoy. As I watched this scene from Season 3 of Survivor’s Remorse, The Photoshoot— I Am reminded of the promise of L O V E
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My therapist challenged me to note the qualities I want in a partner. The list I keep in Apple Notes is not exhaustive, simplified only in the broadness of each category.
First, Teyonah Parris can get it — No acting.
Second, this scene embodies all of the qualities on my list. Establishing ground rules is important because in the beginning of a relationship, things usually go smoothly. But when the butterflies disappear, differences and disagreements arise. Before conflicts emerge, it is a good idea to talk about establishing a set of ground rules for arguments.
The capacity for empathy.
The willingness to keep talking.
Understands the basics of how emotions work.
Understands the importance of establishing ground rules.
“Lovers remember everything.”
dot dot dot,
Virgo, The Cusp of Libra
Survivor’s Remorse, The Photoshoot