“I heard the beat and I ain't know what to write … “
Okay so this ain’t a musical freestyle but a writing freestyle.
“When I’m alone in my room sometimes I stare at the wall …”
Sometimes it’s great to clear your mind. Emotional Intelligence.
On your mark, get set, go!
Why does twenty dollars worth of anything fit into one small bag? & why does said bag equal two large bags of trash?
Downloaded & watched Dairy of a Tired Black Mind for the first time, I wish someone would have spoiled it for me. My eyes hurt. There were some good points though, I think.
I cringe whenever I hear someone on Twitter or Facebook talk about having haters, it’s overused & abused, used more than a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E. I’m with you if it is in fact a true Hate(r), someone who is jealous & envious … but most of the time it’s about disapproval & dissent. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make them a hater. A confident person can accept that others don't like what they like.
Thinking back on the past week I would have to call it the Week of {Self} Honesty. A few of the Blogs I follow & personal communications with folks in all of my relationship sectors were in tune with that. Think I’ll follow up with a complete post.
I’ve been without my cell phone for a week & counting. I’ve come to realize that life doesn’t stop without it. I looked at my usage and it was all data, all the time with an occasional conversation with my offspring & or their mom. BBM, Twitter, Facebook, Email, WordPress, FourSquare & Sexting … I mean Texting. Null.
Speaking of Sexting, I was just playing {unless you gon’ do it} I need a Winter boo, someone to cuddle up with on the up-coming cold nights … but wrap it up! cause’ you don’t won’t that late text, that I think I’m late text. Soo many babies born in September & October. I know some of you are counting nine months backwards now.
I was gonna write something profound and related to God but it wouldn’t be right after just writing about sexting.
Oh! Oh! … There was a good point in the Diary movie, no one said it directly but it was my take away. Be helpful but not overbearing, be encouraging but not intrusive. #TenWordStories <- I’m a trend setter. I don’t follow trends, I set them.
&& sometimes haters are non-existent and created by people to protect their egos.
Speaking of setting trends. I got a saddle-bag for my birthday. Dwayne Wayne from A Different World for ya’ll that may not have a clue. 2455480.22484 just remember today, at this time who bought it back.

Facebook. Deletion inevitable, tired of folks praising God one minute and raising hell the next.
I guess I don’t type that fast … only went back to add the photo’s, I’m gonna post without proofing so forgive any typos in advance!
Hate None,