& I Quote

Let Your Life Speak, Listening for the Voice of Vocation

Rosa Parks took her stand with clarity and courage. I took mine by diversion and default. Some journeys are direct, and some are circuitous; some are heroic, and some are fearful and muddled. But every journey, honestly undertaken, stands a chance of taking us toward the place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.
— Parker J. Palmer

Forever Young, [Quotes] Unhealthy Relationships & Immaturity

Of Unhealthy Relationships

Unhealthy relationships are driven by the soul. Issues that have not been resolved. They will abort your destiny. Healthy relationships are led by the Spirit of God and will advance you.
— T. Brown

Of Immaturity

Immaturity is an enemy that will cause you to abort the seasons and timing of God. Following your soul will rob you of greatness. Healthy relationships prepare you for your next dimension.
— T. Brown


I’ve loved myself long enough, I’m ready to show love and be in love with someone else. Wait, that may be lust. Folks inspiring me and thangs’. You may disagree with this but science is true don’t be misled by facts. When women talk about love it’s about an idea, when men talk about love it’s about the woman they love. Let it marinate. [Post forthcoming] If love is blind, lust has 20/20.


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He Said, She Said ... Relevance

"Depending on others for your relevance is quite sad. Is your personality not worthy to stand alone? Rent a rock. Live under it. :-)"

Brandie R.


He Said, She Said … SHIFT

“ … I’m going to ask you to SHIFT (Seeking His Information For Transformation) ;0) The enemy would want you to focus on what you lost to rob you of the joy of being thankful for another day. In all things give thanks! It’s not option it’s a command. Thanksgiving drives the enemy away because he can’t stand praise. It is a weapon that allows the enemy to back up off you.”

~ Terri B.

I Blame "The Fall"

Men are often afraid to admit that it's much more than sex keeping us in a relationship there is a deeper hunger, for which sex is merely a symptom. There is a hunger for joy, a hunger for unconditional affirmation, a hunger, in the end for love.

~ Dyson

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He Said, She Said ... Shade(s)

"... I don't see the men bitching about this dude lighter than me and I hate myself for it! I think all of us Black women ought to be locked in a room with a bunch of racist bastards and see if they'll treat any shade better than the other."

~ Ms.Nikks

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He Said, She Said ...

"One of the reasons inequality gets so deep in this country is that everyone wants to be rich. That’s the American ideal. Poor people don’t like talking about poverty because even though they might live in the projects surrounded by other poor people and have, like, ten dollars in the bank, they don’t like to think of themselves as poor. It’s embarrassing." ~Jay-Z, Decoded {Where I'm From}

He Said, She Said

" Even though I have a feeling that sooner or later it's all going to crash, I still accept Richard's [Pryor] friendship. He is irresistible."

~Paul Money, Black is the New White

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He Said, She Said ...

"So now it's time to move. From who you were, who they said you were, even who you thought you were, to the man or woman with a new plan, a divine plan." ~Kirk Franklin, The Blueprint

Sunday Shout Out!



Mom’s are sweet, with a cherry on top!

Happy Mother’s Day to my Social Media Queens~

Melzie, Goddess, Sunny, Nikks, QB, Ro’, Miz, Blaq, Je’, September, JenDiva

It is a Be You Tiful Day, celebrate life & your ability to give life.

He Said, She Said …

“A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.”  ~Some Irish Dude

Mr. “I LOVE My Mama” TramueL

He Said, She Said ... A Humble Spirit

"Strategic success is dealing with the real enemy of your purpose the soul (mind, will, intellect and emotions). Just as the strings of an instrument respond to the touch of human fingers so does your body respond to the impressions of your soul. Yes, it really does matter what you feed your soul. A humble spirit wants to change but you will only see results when one desires to change."

- A Facebook Status Update Via T. Brown

You Must Adjust


“History becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.”

English novelist and futuristic thinker H.G. Wells

Via Pratical Intelligence | The Art and Science of Common Sense - Karl Albrecht

He Said, She Said ... Imperfections

Meez "In a perfect world we would live like the 'Cleavers'. Instead because of all the imperfections, I believe it’s seasoned us to be the beautiful, strong, intelligent and at times dysfunctional people that we are!"

~ Michelle Brown