Top Things I’d Write About, But I’m Tired

Top Things I’d Write About, But I’m Tired

On Reflections of Cultural Criticism and Authenticity

I could write about why I muted Kendrick Lamar, Drake, the NFL, and the Super Bowl and what it means to unmute them. Many people are deep in confirmation bias;

The tendency to search for and interpret information in a way that confirms your pre-existing beliefs while dismissing evidence that challenges them.

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Authentic, Balanced, and Rooted

Authentic, Balanced, and Rooted

Social media often reduces us to curated moments, leading to misunderstandings about our values and interests. True connection comes from understanding the underlying reasons behind our choices, not just from surface-level observations. In a world full of noise, feeling truly understood is more meaningful than just being seen…

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A Love Jones For Your Body and Your Skin Tone

A Love Jones For Your Body and Your Skin Tone

Every time I see a “solo date” post on social media, I feel a bit… well, conflicted, like seeing a cat dressed as a pirate. I mean, it’s cute, but is it necessary? I’ve always believed people should use social media however they like. If something resonates, I’ll engage; if not, I just scroll past. But these solo date posts started to bug me, and I had to wonder why…

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Conversations About A Four Letter Word

Conversations About A Four Letter Word

I don’t enjoy conversations about love. “It’s not because it’s an emotion… an abstraction that is hard to quantify and define.” It’s not because I tend to have more of a logical locus of control than an emotional one. It's because social media has profoundly influenced how men and women perceive and engage with each other, shifting the narrative from emotional connection to transactional expectations. Instead of love as mutual understanding and growth, we now often see a narrow focus on what men can materially provide and what women refuse to compromise on—

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“Peeling away, yet I’m compelled to stay, cherishing you from a place between drawing blood & the gentlest touch.” - Hangnail

Hanging on by a thread…

I've been active on Threads and I'm enjoying it so far. However, I haven't fully figured out how the algorithm works. It shows me a lot of content from local users in Charlotte, with many threads about food, traffic, dating, fitness, and life in Uptown. 

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Lol, I’m Just Serious

Lol, I’m Just Serious

Connection Crabbing

Connection crabbing is often the result of a relationship catalyst-- one of two parties seeking to end a relationship, whether social media or ones that spill over into the streets. The other party's hurt and confusion become destructive and are exhibited in this manner, either out of feelings of rejection or a desire to control and hurt. 

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Hi-Jacked Social Media Term – Emotional Intelligence 

Hi-Jacked Social Media Term – Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional intelligence is a widely used term, but its meaning has often been distorted. It is frequently described as the capacity to perceive, utilize, comprehend, manage, and deal with emotions.

People with high emotional intelligence are believed to recognize their emotions and those of others, use emotional information to guide their thinking and behavior, differentiate between feelings, label them appropriately, and adjust their emotions to adapt to different environments. This is a trait that many folks seeking love on social media list as something they desire in a partner.

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Monday Musings and What’s on My Mind Right Now

Monday Musings and What’s on My Mind Right Now

The Oedipus Complex 

I B’ chopping it up with The Glaws about life, all its ironic twists, and how they may sometimes startle us. /End Dramatics. I’ve been laughing considering the truth in something she shared with me, I’m paraphrasing but the gist is that we’re attracted to people who look like our parents. All of you that know me also know my preference; five-nine, medium to dark skin, natural (hair, nails, etcetera) …

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Street Gossip

Street Gossip

Just because it's public, still doesn't make it my business.

I’ve destroyed and rebuilt my online presence at least four times. I’ve used different usernames, UnknownBlackMale having the greatest run, what a time. Then I embraced a different approach. I started using my real name, real photo and I stopped policing how others use social media. It has kept me accountable, when I Am mindful (but not really) of what I post I reduce the risk of my future baby mama seeing me turning up with a bunch of hose.

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Market of Discount Dreams

Market of Discount Dreams

The other day while having a discussion about Cash Rules Everything Around Me, CREAM get the money, dollar, dollar bill Y'all. It led to a familiar discussion that I’ve been having with greater than enough frequency lately, living souls being obsessed with making the greatest amount of money with the least possible effort.

I like money, but I’ve learned it cannot make you happy. In the words of the prolific rhymer Christopher George Latore Wallace, Mo Money Mo Problems. Also, I would sign up for a test to see if $500MM would indeed make me happy – it is a delicate duality to balance.

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Forever Young, [Quotes] Unhealthy Relationships & Immaturity

Of Unhealthy Relationships

Unhealthy relationships are driven by the soul. Issues that have not been resolved. They will abort your destiny. Healthy relationships are led by the Spirit of God and will advance you.
— T. Brown

Of Immaturity

Immaturity is an enemy that will cause you to abort the seasons and timing of God. Following your soul will rob you of greatness. Healthy relationships prepare you for your next dimension.
— T. Brown

What Happens When Someone Stops “Following” You In Real Life?

“I think back of the few people that were allowed to interface with Brian ( his choice ) … ”

That’s my mother on Mr.TramueL … Did my mama use my government name? It seems even as an adolescent I was guarded with who I allowed into my personal space. I have a very small circle of folk whom I consider friends, although somewhat undemonstrative I am generally loyal and responsible to those I care about.

What happens when they stop e-mailing, texting, calling or  simply stop communicating? If you’re using Twitter, Facebook or any other social-media site when you lose a follower it’s no problem ‘cause they can always be replaced. In real life there are no macros, widgets or tools that email you when someone stops following you, what was said or perhaps done at that particular point in time. If something in my character past or present causes you to stop “following” me I offer you this; judgments can be as unjust as the actions or personal view they condemn.

Don’t worry kids Mr.TramueL is still committed to disarming his armor. I’ll continue to look to the sky and deepen my relationships with my current “followers.” I feel sorry for  lil’ Mr.TramueL  though he is now my official & permanent hang-out partner.

Drops Mic. Pours out a little liquor on stage (for those we lost along the way.) Walks off. Lights match. Throws lit match on poured out liquor. Stage goes up in flames.

Magic Always,

Simplifying These Social Street

Because you care. Inspired by an unresolution, and an attempt to organize how I spend my time. I let go of Instagram, Tumblr and Posterous. The latter being the hardest because it was my introduction to blogging and their platform makes it very easy to do. Posting quotes there, images somewhere, music another place and books another instead of using one 'ring to rule them all.

Squarespace is my 'precious.

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The Point of Social Media is to be Social but ...

FIve things I wish you wouldn't do with social media ... 

I’m fond of a lot of things & while I love to discuss music, technology, food, or photography they are hard to discuss intelligently at times. I understand that there is always dissent which makes for great debate. However, if I say I prefer thighs over breast there is no need for someone to say to me that the merciless god of perfection hand selects each breast. I value your point of view but not when it comes from a place of authority.

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10 Things You Don't Deserve Applause For

10 Things You Don't Deserve Applause For

It’s heavy in these social streets. 

To use or not to use social media

Build it and they will come. Use it to benefit you or use it for fun. Or, don’t use it at all. Your point of view means nothing to others. I’m not dope or vapid because I use it and you’re not profound or about that slow life if you don’t.

No applause.

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