In To Me See


When I moved to Atlanta I became quickly enamored with the amount of melanin in the metro area. One of my favorite things to do involved people watching in Underground. One day while taking in the sights, sounds and smells a young woman approached me from the stairs of the Dollar Store. She stopped and chatted’ me up. Most of you know from previous post that I have no idea when a woman is hitting on me.

She gassed me from the start...

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Forever Young, [Quotes] Unhealthy Relationships & Immaturity

Of Unhealthy Relationships

Unhealthy relationships are driven by the soul. Issues that have not been resolved. They will abort your destiny. Healthy relationships are led by the Spirit of God and will advance you.
— T. Brown

Of Immaturity

Immaturity is an enemy that will cause you to abort the seasons and timing of God. Following your soul will rob you of greatness. Healthy relationships prepare you for your next dimension.
— T. Brown

He Said, She Said ... Call Me A Liar


“accept who you really are, your esteem shouldn’t be a mystiquerepeating the same tired letdowns to whom you care not reach

returning it in a spirit of mutual honesty not an option but a must”

“call me a liar for generously spreading the basis of trust”

The CG Chronicles – @MelzieC

Read more: Call Me A Liar



RE:Post ... In To Me See

A common theme this week among friends; Relationship(s), The Chase & Defining Roles ... my personal thoughts were of not missing the responsibility or accountability of being in a relationship but missing intimacy. I remembered this post & I haven't written in a while so it's relative ... two birds, one stone.  ~Brian Originally Posted May 16, 2010 @ 9:29 P.M.

I ran all up on a book the other day, ‘cause it was sexy! I mean this book had a “tramp stamp” in the small of it’s back that drove me crazy! As I spit my game, trying to get it’s math I realized that it was very interesting how she broke down intimacy.

“The Seven Levels of Intimacy: The Art of Loving and the Joy of Being Loved” By Matthew Kelly

7 Levels of In To Me See

The book breaks down the process of revealing our authentic selves while our “representative” takes a step to the back.

Before you go back to Twittering, Facebooking or picking your nose, this is not a book review. If you wanna know more my brotha’s and sistah’s, you’ve got to buy your own! I ordered a hardback copy from Amazon for under $10en. 99. The book itself was $Free.99 but with shipping & handling the BIG A got me.

Whether consciously or subconsciously we all have our own personal levels of connection or “In-To-Me-See”

Like: “You like me!, You really like me!” … Butterflies, text messages, emails, parking outside their homes in a friends car so they don’t see you, talking & laughing for hours learning each others personality.

Love: Love is “like” to the ‘umptenth power, moving from a physical reaction to a chemical reaction. {Remember? From Seeing Clearly … Physical vs Chemical: in a physical reaction two substances are mixed or ground together without being transformed, meaning both can be recovered from such a mixture in their original state. A chemical reaction, on the other hand, produces an entirely new substance, one that is very different from either of the reactants and does not easily yield the original substances back again.} Science! This is the move from the growing in your groin (Lust) to dreams of you growing old together tweezing each others nose & ear hairs.

Trust: We all have our own definition of trust, but let’s be clear, at this level it is not that high-school game of who cheated on who. You should feel trust … it’s about protection, feeling secure knowing that someone will protect your heart.

Respect: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  … Find out what it means to me. Another word with broad interpretations, levels and degrees. To me It is about understanding each others value, value as a woman, man, human being who drinks water and breathes air, never wanting to disappoint or have that value depreciate.

Honor: This is the deal closer, a virtual badge signifying your commitment. Ultimate understanding of who we both really are. Accepting & protecting all of the like, love, trust and r.e.s.p.e.c.t. that we have for each other.

There are many others I’m sure that could be added, however, this is my list … you’ve got to tell me yours. What are your levels of connection?

P.S. While you are working on that can someone tell me why we stopped using “Obey” in wedding vows? I think if we add it back in there women won’t be so out of pocket, so beside themselves.


Mr.”You promised to obey, now go in there and fix me a sandwich” TramueL

Doubly Dynamic

A Thought About Happiness & Love

... apply separately or together.

Sometimes we don’t believe we are deserving of happiness & or love. Subconsciously we attempt to block, make excuses for and deny ourselves the opportunity to be great. Don't allow all of the "injustice collecting" you've done over the years to block you from happiness or love. 'Injustice collectors use their powers of mind to conjure up different ways to feel offended, cheated, or otherwise victimized'

Be Great.

A Thought About Complaining & Faith

Sometimes I  complain about my present place of employment and the nature of what I do. GOD is infinitely creative at providing us opportunities as lessons.

Most of my day is spent fielding questions & listening to folk vent & complain about my place of employment and the nature of what I do. Irony.  Today presented an opportunity and a lesson about faith. I spoke with a woman who has experienced every hardship imaginable but told an incredible story of unyielding Faith & how GOD saw her through.

He Said, She Said ...

"A Christian must keep the faith, but not to himself"

~Some Random Dude or Dudette

Mr. TramueL

Sunday April Twenty Five Two Thousand Ten


So I had and awsomely' amazing time in church Sunday, the Spirit was amazing! The pastor didn't preach, we prayed, cried, sang & praised.

I thanked Him for a wonderful service with my Father.

So I had a wonderful time swimming with Lil’ Mr.TramueL at the YMCA, we laughed, talked & had a great time!

I thanked Him for amazing time with my Son.

So I came home and prepared a great meal, still basking in the glory of a wonderful day, the best I've felt in awhile.

I thanked Him for the meal & an incredible day.

So I leave the house to take Lil’ Mr.TramueL home and Boom! I run into the back of a car. 'I honestly don't know what happened. I wasn't talking or texting, wasn't distracted by anything, I was only 2 minutes from the house.

I thanked Him that no one was hurt.

Wasn’t sure what GOD wanted me to know at the time.

I thanked Him in advance for the lesson.

Clearly I now know. The lesson is to praise GOD at all times.


Push Me, Pull You

Push Me, Pull You
Push Me, Pull You

Beware of running away from problems.

After a textersation {I just coined this phrase … conversation through texting} with a good friend I’ve realized that I believe I know what other people want, but don’t really know what I need.  My unspoken admiration for the folk that keep me grounded, sane & motivated is the reason for this post. They are a part of my life; some new, some old, some share my blood, some don’t, all-in-all  they all are a part of my family, immediate and extended.

I shine when I serve others in some way and  what I get back in return is far more beneficial to me than any 1ne of them can imagine. They bring me closer to capital {G}od’izzle, by desiring a closer relationship with HIM. They make me want to know more, thus inspiring me to read more & research more. They have taught me to be more honest. {Ya’ll know T!his is a struggle cause I enjoy story-telling and sometimes enjoy bending the truth} They inspire me to be a better father, brother, son & man. Last but not least, they’ve taught me to straighten out confusion or nothing will get done. I have some huge  stones chasing me that I’ve now begun to face and stop running from.

I take in so much from my environment; T!his is one of the reasons why I tend to be indecisive, swinging between irrational and rational thoughts and feelings. It's pretty much something that takes place "upstairs" in my mind, although others are sure to see the struggle from time to time.  I also have a tendency to misrepresent myself with what I say from time to time, but Mr.TramueL is a charming, if a little kooky, friend, father, brother, son & man.

Continue to Push Me & I’ll continue to Pull You.

In Gratitude,