Thoughts (We've Got)

The Low End Theory 

Without fail every woman in each relationship sector; family, friendship, vocation and a four letter word beginning with L and ending with E require the blinds to be open upon awakening. 

I believe I'm alive, functioning and able to maintain strictly from the prayers of my mother, sister(s) and The Future. "I have the desire to do what is good, but I can not carry it out." Romans 7:18

I've unsuccessfully attempted to honor my male body. Never have I stated "this time will be different" however I have and it has. Learning from my failures I've cut out high-fat foods, I've begun to eat more broiled and baked chicken, turkey and fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts and I've completely cut out sugar. No more #SweetLife. One of my goals for 2014 was to get everyone in the house on board, it has been mildly successful [others won't give up the sugar completely] and contagious. Family and friends have committed to healthier living.

I Am the first one up most mornings. After letting Maestro out I head to the kitchen, fill his water bowl and throw him a treat.  I start organizing things to fix myself a protein shake. The light is blinking on the microwave and while  pushing the reset button I notice the door is ajar, a peak inside reveals that it is dirty. Thats that thing I don't like. I start cleaning it,  wiping down counters, and washing the few left over dishes. There is a double consciousness here; I am mindful of my resentment, every morning in order for me to do anything in the kitchen I have to clean it first. I'm also aware that I am nit-picky and critical,  secretly feeling that everyone should do things exactly as I do. Another goal for 2014 was to teach (by showing) everyone how to be good stewards of their things and to pitch in to keep our home clean beyond the scope of their assigned responsibilities. 

It 'ain't' working. 

So this morning I let go, threw out the notion that I was a mighty leader and my family should serve me. Lol, so I served them; cleaned the kitchen and fixed omelets without resentment only with a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E. 

Sometimes a theory is better than its explanation.