Mock Aggression

Mock Aggression

I've been meditating consistently for the past four months. Typically first thing when I wake, then an afternoon quickie and then to block out the noise on the bus ride home. On average I meditate about 30 minutes per day, while this has helped in areas such as focus, concentration and encouragement for a healthier life – it has also helped me to become more self-aware.

The opportunity withself-awareness has been following a code of intelligent discourse. Today provided several opportunities. Starting with my workout at the YMCA, driving Brian to school, grabbing coffee, the bus ride to work and work itself.

A code of intelligent discourse...

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Speaking With A Glance

Speaking With A Glance

I’ve been a member at the Stratford Richardson YMCA since it opened its doors in 2007. Over the past 52 weeks, I have been in there no less than three times per week. Previously I’ve commented on co-workers whom I share space with. 

& although we have worked on the same floor for more than three years they have never parted their lips to say hello, offer a well wish, greeting or a salutation.  The same is true for a few of the faces I see at the YMCA – Faces I’ve seen no less than three times per week for the past 52 weeks.

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Spam (In Real Life)

Spam (In Real Life)

The email (and now domain) for tramuel dot com is managed through Google Apps. The spam filtering in Apps is excellent and it delivers most spam items directly to the spam mailbox where they are held for 30 days and then delete themselves once they age out. As false positives are rare, there is no reason to go into the spam mailbox.


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Life & Music. Purpose

Life & Music. Purpose

🎧 Focus ain’t the same if the picture ain’t got you in it
In every line my
Emotions ain’t the same if it ain’t about you, I don’t get it
Ever since the beginning now
You had that effect on me
All I wanna do is you, oh
I mean that so literally
Don’t nobody go harder than you
All of the angels must be lonely now, without you

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In the (k)now

In the (k)now

In 2013 I adopted an idea for better thinking. I created a list of 25 tips to follow, at the least to be more mindful throughout the day. Mindful of spaces, all of the spaces; public, social, personal and intimate.

My favorite tip has been quiet reflection, taking at least ten minutes to sit in a corner to speak with the folks in my head. Add outer to the spaces above, the folks in my head are aliens. I moved from a morning routine to one in the evening. Carpe Noctem. It remains a great way for me to decompress. 

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dang E rous

dang E rous

The dangerous E's: Entitlement, Egocentrism, Ethnocentrism & Essentialism.

I tend to take things at face value while also allowing others to live. A self-reference approach, where I regularly use "to-me" language, reminding myself and others of the self-locality of my views and to explicitly affirm the rights of others to hold their own.  


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Unknown Black Male

Unknown Black Male

My story is familiar to many other unknown black males across these united of states. I’ve had my share of police stops with those charged to protect and serve. In most cases where I was responsible; speeding, failure to appear (long story) I was treated fairly – I believe it is worth mentioning that these interactions came from State Troopers and Sheriffs Deputies.

My experience with local police has always been unsettling.

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Perspective Vs. Fantasy

Perspective Vs. Fantasy


The appearance of objects in depth as perceived by normal binocular vision. The proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it with or without a correct or sensible understanding of something’s true importance.


The creative imagination; unrestrained fancy. A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit. An imagined event or sequence of mental images such as a daydream, usually fulfilling a wish or psychological need.

Summer time. I'm looking out the window while working, attempting to put things into perspective and becoming bored with routine and the banal.

I choose fantasy.

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5 Ways Sugar is Like Sex

5 Ways Sugar is Like Sex


They both show up when you least expect it. I have a young child at home so I try to be really careful about what we watch on television. Youtube has been my prefered source for watching videos because I can have better control over what he sees. Or so I thought. One evening, I entered asearch for one of our favorites,“Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.” Several really cute and appropriate versions popped up. As my son and I were scrolling for THE ONE, there, mixed in for no apparent reason, were videos of women holding teddy bears, dressed in teddies, or AS teddies, and clearly not what a child should see.

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Life & Music. And See That's The Thing

Life & Music. And See That's The Thing

I’ve expressed my love for music & ya’ll know I’m a bit kooky. I often relate things happening in my life to the music I am listening to. While it is not specific to the song’s lyrics or meaning; a phrase, a verse or the hook may spark a thought.

Life set to And See That’s The Thing, Deja Trimble (DeJ Loaf)

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No Country For Old Men

How awesome is this narcissism; sitting on the couch with my iPhone, iPad Air and MacBook Pro everything in sync. Michelle, who is sitting on the couch with me, seemingly annoyed with the simultaneous notifications. & then my Apple life flashed in front of me, my photos are not syncing to my iPhone...

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Vacation and the Art of Presence

My family and I squeezed in another vacation a few weeks ago; a mini reunion in Alabama. I have a cousin who is retired military and he was able to secure cabins for us at an incredible discount. Keyword; Cabins, as you might imagine we were surrounded by the outdoors but this is perfect for me. I Am an early riser and on the second morning after our arrival I sat outside on the cabin’s front stoop; my e-reader opened to Between the World and Me, but I have no desire to read. There was peace and silence.

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