Of Being My Mom
/My mother has a great influence on our family, immediate and extended…
Read MoreMy mother has a great influence on our family, immediate and extended…
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The Touchy, Feely Moment
Lil’ Mr.TramueL “ Hey Dad, What you doing?”
Mr.TramueL “Nothing, “ Talking to you, What you doing?”
Lil’ Mr.TramueL “Nothing, Talking to you”
Mr.TramueL “How was school?”
Lil’ Mr.TramueL “Dad! We’re on Spring break!”
Mr.TramueL “I know, I was just messing with you 0_0”
My days run together, don’t judge me
… That conversation would continue for another twenty minutes until something on the t.v. caught his attention or until he became bored with me so let’s end it there. The significance of the conversation comes when I discoverer all of the conveniences, sacrifices and all around concern his mother displayed for the kids this week. It is not significant because I observed it, but because it goes without saying everyday, three-sixty-five. The love she exudes for her children is amazing. Shout out to my mom, your mom, baby mama’s, my sister’s, future mama’s and to all of you women reading this post. There is no substitute for you.
The Lesson
The photo above is a pretty accurate depiction of the ex in looks and gifts. Well the hips are a little smaller in the picture but I digress. She is a classically trained lyric soprano but owns and operates her own business working with disadvantage youth.
The last sentence is relative to the conversations, discussions, textersations, blog post, blog comments & thoughts I’ve had this week concerning purpose, vocation & listening for the voice that calls you.
He Said, She Said … Vision
“Don’t let YOUR vision stand in the way of GOD’S dream”