Saturday Morning Sensory Inputs

Saturday Morning Sensory Inputs

Seven miles around Salem Lake. No earphones, just foot strikes and…

The path ahead twists and turns, revealing the distant main entrance as I weave my way around the lake. Bare trees stand like sentinels, their fallen leaves creating a mosaic on the ground. The water is neither still nor restless; just moving, like me…

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( ( ( ( E N E R G Y ) ) ) )

( ( ( ( E N E R G Y ) ) ) )

Wednesday Evening Sensory Inputs

 Her smile might have hidden a fractured state, but the joy was feral.

Love by the gallon poured down her perfect touch.

Fresh flowers, a hint of caramel-- lingering in the air she leaves.

I call her name, caught up in how sweet it sounds, it quickly turns to semantic satiation where nothing has meaning anymore.

Her kiss is flavorful.

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Two Sides to Every Story and the Truth

 Two Sides to Every Story and the Truth

When you taste a slice of pizza, you “know” it at a direct sensory level. You talk about how much you enjoy the taste of it and the way it feels in your mouf’, you try to describe it to someone else, even write a love song about it, but you will never be able to effectively communicate the quintessence of the sensory in words. Another person who has tasted The P can share your sense of enthusiasm, but he or she will never know YOUR experience of it. Others can describe their experience of The P, but YOU’LL never know as they knew it.

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Monday Night Sensory Inputs

Monday Night Sensory Inputs

Cauliflower Tacos w/ Strawberry Mango Salsa, I taste them.

Peony, apricot, orange and bergamot, I smell her. 

House is still; no music, no tv, no kids laughing (or complaining), I hear the silence.

Eyes closed, I see The Future; the physical environment, who will be there, the sights and sounds. I see you. 

Feels like weight has been lifted; my arms, legs, back, chest, stomach... You feel me?

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Fly Woman Get Em'

Saturday Morning Sensory Inputs

Sexiness behind a short sleeveless gown, I see you. 

Lavender fused with sweet, creamy vanilla early morning kiss(es), I taste you.

A hand on leg, a foot touching a foot, I feel you.

You feel me?

"Honey can you push the air up?", her voice is like melted caramel, I hear you.

A forehead kiss... Baby ButterCreme, I smell you.

The love she exudes is amazing, I just yell "Fly Woman Get Em'"


I Am




Wednesday Night Mindmovie

Future Pacing 

A process of mental rehearsal in preparation for some challenging experience; it involves creating a mind movie (that is, visual, kinesthetic, and auditory fantasy) and making the imaginary experience conform to your plan. This creates the sense of having already been through the experience when it occurs and reinforces your confidence in the outcome. 

Tonight, I see myself in The Future. 


I Am