What Else Are Women For?
/The line between autonomy and external influence is often blurred, making the conversation about aesthetics far more complex than it first appears…
Read MoreThe line between autonomy and external influence is often blurred, making the conversation about aesthetics far more complex than it first appears…
Read MoreHonor among thieves, the 2024 election cycle.
During my last eight years at BofA, I formed strong connections with folks. Yesterday, I felt immense gratitude while talking with a former coworker who has become a great friend. I initiated the call and started with, “I have ten people in my favorites on my phone, and you are one of them.” We weren’t talking about anything in particular, but it highlighted how much I value genuine connections…
Read MoreExperiences shape our understanding and appreciation of the world in vivid, lasting images. Art captures the essence of emotions, nature's beauty speaks to our souls through its colors and forms, and cooking becomes an act of love and connection. Each teaches us to think in images, enhancing our lives with memories that stay with us forever.
Read MoreI Smell Mindgames. A double attack with top notes of bitter red pepper, while the heart notes contain agave and geranium, followed up with dark chocolate, and Madagascar vanilla…
Read MoreAs sudden and tragic as death always is, the daily functions of life must go on.
… And sometimes we feel guilty for laughing and having a good time, but I hope you know she would want you to enjoy your life and wouldn’t want to be the source of your sadness
- Nikks
I Am grateful for the loved ones in my life. My family and friends— inclusive of those on digital lists, they have all been a great source of comfort. The beauty is the lesson grief teaches us, we cannot rely on ourselves we need others.
Read MoreI don’t recall the first time we met, our history goes back as far as my memory serves. We grew up in the same neighborhood, I’ve known her all of my life. I credit her for my progression in school, she has helped me grow spiritually, as well as physically. Always there to provide assistance, providing me with enough information to make an informed decision to seek and find my own way. I do recall when we first became intimate. I love everything about this woman, her smell, the way she feels in my hand, her skin tone. I start at the front and turn her over ensuring I don’t miss any part. I must admit that certain parts of her fascinate me; the way her body curves when she is open, the crease in the small of her back. I can tell she appreciates me and is excited by my touch; she shifts, bends & folds begging to be turned over & over & over & over again until we finish.
I love you Book(s) … you are a thing of beauty.
"Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life."
~S.D. Gordon
Resist: "You got to Love God enough to resist what isn’t of God. Resist means to say something about it. To say No. To stand without compromising yourself, without compromising your integrity. To Love God enough means to be God’s friend, to be like a child. To go to battle as a warrior! Heart battle. Out of love, never out of pride."
Don’t Resist: "To wait and see. To never answer an unwise person, to never try to bring correction on a hurt, tormented, or angry fellow, peer, stranger, co-worker. It means to stay and do your best, even to give your other cheek…ouch! All with the expectation of letting the matter where it is, no where your pride want to go. Guts to be humble and recognize that we all are humans, the Supernatural is God in us…if we let Him."
Always inspiring ...
This post was taken from Peeling the orange's Blog on Wordpress ... one of my new favorites!
Photo Credit: "God-Ego" by Fred Eerdekens