Listen With Your Ears And Not Your Mouf'

Listen With Your Ears And Not Your Mouf'

My son, not-so-little Brian, is a sophomore in school and has shared concerns about the current state of affairs in these un-United States. He worries about how current policies will affect his ability to find meaningful work. I initially minimized his concerns by advising him to keep his head down and finish school. He will always have a place "at home," and he won't have the burden of student loan debt because The Tramuel (formerly known as) and I have covered his tuition. But his concerns are still valid, and it's important to listen and empathize…

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God Is The Greatest!

God Is The Greatest!

But Satan Been On His Shit


Two Thousand and Eighteen for my family; immediate and extended has been incredible. We’ve had some lows but mostly been high. For me personally there is no greater example of God being the greatest and Satan trying to tear everything down than the last few weeks of the year. 

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Doubly Dynamic

A Thought About Happiness & Love

... apply separately or together.

Sometimes we don’t believe we are deserving of happiness & or love. Subconsciously we attempt to block, make excuses for and deny ourselves the opportunity to be great. Don't allow all of the "injustice collecting" you've done over the years to block you from happiness or love. 'Injustice collectors use their powers of mind to conjure up different ways to feel offended, cheated, or otherwise victimized'

Be Great.

A Thought About Complaining & Faith

Sometimes I  complain about my present place of employment and the nature of what I do. GOD is infinitely creative at providing us opportunities as lessons.

Most of my day is spent fielding questions & listening to folk vent & complain about my place of employment and the nature of what I do. Irony.  Today presented an opportunity and a lesson about faith. I spoke with a woman who has experienced every hardship imaginable but told an incredible story of unyielding Faith & how GOD saw her through.

He Said, She Said ...

"A Christian must keep the faith, but not to himself"

~Some Random Dude or Dudette

Mr. TramueL