Listen With Your Ears And Not Your Mouf'

Listen With Your Ears And Not Your Mouf'

My son, not-so-little Brian, is a sophomore in school and has shared concerns about the current state of affairs in these un-United States. He worries about how current policies will affect his ability to find meaningful work. I initially minimized his concerns by advising him to keep his head down and finish school. He will always have a place "at home," and he won't have the burden of student loan debt because The Tramuel (formerly known as) and I have covered his tuition. But his concerns are still valid, and it's important to listen and empathize…

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Reflections on Relationships: The Cities That Taught Me Lessons

Reflections on Relationships: The Cities That Taught Me Lessons

After my divorce, I quickly learned that dating in these un-united of states is different. Our attachment to technology has escalated the disconnection, reducing genuine connections to swipes, likes, and fleeting messages. This experience has transformed my view of relationships.

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A Short Story Starring Me and You, Yo’ Mama and Yo’ Cousin Too

A Short Story Starring Me and You, Yo’ Mama and Yo’ Cousin Too

A Tale of Lost Love and Lessons Learned

They say that a four-letter word beginning with L and ending in E is a journey of twists, turns, joy, and heartbreak. For some of us, there is someone from our past who has left an indelible placeholder on our heart. The Wo/Man who slipped through our fingers and away from our lovesick soul, leaving behind cherished memories and valuable life lessons…

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October Observation #11

October Observation #11

Five Things I Learned From Being a Kid

Be More Childlike and Less Childish

Young children are often impulsive, pouty, and with frequent outbursts of anger. If you don't have kids, listen to me know and believe me later. Behaviorally, they are prone to lying, blame others to avoid responsibility, are predisposed to bullying, and often need to be the center of attention.

Adults are playful, creative, unselfish, and teachable.

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In To Me See


When I moved to Atlanta I became quickly enamored with the amount of melanin in the metro area. One of my favorite things to do involved people watching in Underground. One day while taking in the sights, sounds and smells a young woman approached me from the stairs of the Dollar Store. She stopped and chatted’ me up. Most of you know from previous post that I have no idea when a woman is hitting on me.

She gassed me from the start...

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Forever Young, J. Devereaux

Forever Young, J. Devereaux

My fondest memories are growing up on a street called Hull.  It was the first time my life that I felt I had stability.  We lived in a two-bedroom, one-bathroom home with a semi-furnished basement.  My Grandmother, who lived with us, had the main bedroom; I was fortunate to have my own bedroom, and my mother lived in the basement.

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Doubly Dynamic

A Thought About Happiness & Love

... apply separately or together.

Sometimes we don’t believe we are deserving of happiness & or love. Subconsciously we attempt to block, make excuses for and deny ourselves the opportunity to be great. Don't allow all of the "injustice collecting" you've done over the years to block you from happiness or love. 'Injustice collectors use their powers of mind to conjure up different ways to feel offended, cheated, or otherwise victimized'

Be Great.

A Thought About Complaining & Faith

Sometimes I  complain about my present place of employment and the nature of what I do. GOD is infinitely creative at providing us opportunities as lessons.

Most of my day is spent fielding questions & listening to folk vent & complain about my place of employment and the nature of what I do. Irony.  Today presented an opportunity and a lesson about faith. I spoke with a woman who has experienced every hardship imaginable but told an incredible story of unyielding Faith & how GOD saw her through.

He Said, She Said ...

"A Christian must keep the faith, but not to himself"

~Some Random Dude or Dudette

Mr. TramueL

Shout Out Saturday: Featuring Blaq Daisy


♬♫♪ Shorty I'm there for you anytime you need me For real girl, it's me in your world, believe me Nuttin make a man feel better than a woman Queen with a crown that be down for whatever There are few things that's forever, my lady We can make war or make babies … ♬♫♪ ~Meth

♬♫♪ Like sweet morning dew, I took one look at you And it was plain to see, You were my destiny With you I'll spend my time, I'll dedicate my life I'll sacrifice for you, Dedicate my life for you … ♬♫♪ ~MJB

Hey! It’s Me … Mr.TramueL and welcome to another week of “Saturday Shout Out!” Today I have the pleasure of shouting out Ms. Blaq Daisy. I chose the musical introduction ‘cause I knew all of you would be bopping your heads as you rap & sang the verse(s) ♬♫♪

That’s the style of Ms. Daisy(s) post, lyrics {words} imbued with intelligence, wit & literal integration that keep you nodding yo’ head ♬♫♪ Nodding to the rhythm, the flow & content.

“Tracklist after the jump.” {Following the theme of music, I don’t know what it means but hey, let’s roll with it.}

"Cause I Wanna Live!": 5 Things I Don't Do Because of Slavery

BlaQ Daisy

The Roxy Sequel: When Sexting Goes Right

BlaQ Daisy II

It's My Anniversary!!: 12 Enlightening Lessons Learned

{☟You have to read this one! Absolute Madness!}

Blaq Daisy III<—“picture has nothing to do with nothing ... just thought I should say it ;)”

I’ve listed a few of the post(s) I enjoyed because of the humor, however as you dig deeper, most will cause you to investigate and integrate the lessons into your world & that’s her peace.

Interpretations: A Lesson on Walking Away

Blaq IV



girl-128Make her smile, read her blog

Bird-Alt-128Follow @BlaQDaisy on Twitter

Magic Always,

Mr. “First build a strong ego, then get rid of it” TramueL

:: Drops Mic. Shouts Out. “Are you not entertained!?, Is this not why you are here!?” Rips open shirt. Exposes Bare Chest. Ladies Scream. Fade to Black ::