Listen With Your Ears And Not Your Mouf'

Listen With Your Ears And Not Your Mouf'

My son, not-so-little Brian, is a sophomore in school and has shared concerns about the current state of affairs in these un-United States. He worries about how current policies will affect his ability to find meaningful work. I initially minimized his concerns by advising him to keep his head down and finish school. He will always have a place "at home," and he won't have the burden of student loan debt because The Tramuel (formerly known as) and I have covered his tuition. But his concerns are still valid, and it's important to listen and empathize…

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My Super Villain Arc

My Super Villain Arc

The Reclamation Artist

The two of you reading this know me well enough to understand that I’m not becoming an actual villain. I’m not abandoning my decency or planning to treat others poorly. What this means is that I’m done prioritizing the feelings, boundaries, and needs of others at the expense of my own…

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Hi-Jacked Social Media Term – Emotional Intelligence 

Hi-Jacked Social Media Term – Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional intelligence is a widely used term, but its meaning has often been distorted. It is frequently described as the capacity to perceive, utilize, comprehend, manage, and deal with emotions.

People with high emotional intelligence are believed to recognize their emotions and those of others, use emotional information to guide their thinking and behavior, differentiate between feelings, label them appropriately, and adjust their emotions to adapt to different environments. This is a trait that many folks seeking love on social media list as something they desire in a partner.

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Belief & Logic

Belief & Logic

We have been taught to believe many things. Questioning those learned behaviors can be great for logical calisthenics. 


Im here writing about nothing, journaling my thoughts at four-thirty in the AM for no apparent reason other than laughing to keep from crying at the biggest opportunity in my relationship with The Future...

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