Tuesday's Email Bag
My determination to always be at my best is typically magnified in most of my relationships granting me little rest. However when that phone call, e-mail or text message comes with those famous words "Hey, What you doing. Guess What?"
… I get all emotional (I'mma keep it short. I don't want another another feminine moment. I can't stand the smell of that night blooming jasmine.)
They picked me! They could have chosen anyone but they chose me! It feels good when I am able to impart my impractical wisdumb upon the earth.
Do as I say not as I do Be aware of your effect on others.
Do not exhaust yourself in pursuit of the latest trend.
Seek traditional values.
*Remember a house can not be united with it's brothers, sisters, mamas, daddies, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, boos, baby daddies, baby mamas, friend girls and friend guys divided. Now get out there and Unite!
Dr. Oz Tip #7
Brushing is Not Enough
If you plan to spend your later years eating more than yogurt and applesauce, invest in some floss. No matter how thoroughly or long you brush your teeth, you're missing a good portion of their total surface. That's like washing one armpit after a workout. But the dangers of skipping floss go beyond hygiene: The bacteria that linger can increase your risk of heart disease. I use Reach Ultraclean floss, which stretches to glide between teeth.
Men's Health tip: For a bright smile, try this do-it-yourself whitening plan that will save you money.
Not no parkay, not no margarine, strictly butta …
I’ve been on a journey and my mantra for Two Thousand Ten is “ Striving to create balance & harmony; Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically”
The moral and intellectual crisis of out time has not yet spared the true science of … I’m just playing. I’ve been reading, studying, analyzing, meditating & re-directing a lot of my energies and I’m in a place I haven’t been in a long time.
This post is simply affirmation to the Universe of (1)ne of life’s lessons learned. “Unattachment” - The release of need or expectation associated with a specific outcome.
We see & believe how a specific event or situation will work out and we become “attached” imagining it happening just as we envision. We try to duck & dive trying to force the circumstances to our advantage, but a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E (No, not that one) … Life has it’s own schedule. Unattachment doesn't mean that you’re not keeping it one hunid’, it means that you are managing your expectations. I know, I hear you saying “Give us an example Mr.TramueL!” Okay, okay … I want to be a rapper O_0 and it is normal for me to pursue those goals, the key to piece of mind is to hold on lightly to the image of me on a sold out stage ( ‘cause it’s tricky to rock a rhyme that’s right on time ) Unattachment happens when I’m not tied to the idea of being on a sold out stage, the reality is probably more like me on a karaoke stage. Things didn’t work out as planned but I’m more than able to let it go. {Lesson}
Drops Mic. Walks off stage snapping fingers spit'n mad fire son! … ♬ Well yo, ♫I funk like dat ,I'm fat like dat, I'm in like dat, ♪ I jazz like dat, I freak like dat, I zoom like dat,♫ I’m out ... I’m out.
Mr. “It’s Like Butta Babeey” TramueL
That is all ... for now.
Looking for love, Wanting love, Romantic Fulfillment ... ahhh! A four letter word beginning with L & ending in E
I have nothing of value to add ... it was just an observation.
This is from a previous post ...
"Maddening, exalting, thrilling and frustrating « The promise of “a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E” that’s right kids LOVE. I will no longer write this word out as it has caused so much confusion 2′day. Let’s call it “a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E” … anyway what was I saying ¿ Oh yeah a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E continues to drive folk into insanedness (ßrianism) trying to find the perfect partner. Here is something that The Merciless God of Perfection doesn’t want you to know » Perfection may not be worth the price, you are only human … relax."
Mr. "I think I need love ... too" TramueL
So I have someone that has challenged me to question some of my claiming attitudes and Mr.TramueL’s observation is to beware of laying on expectations ‘cause self-fulfilling prophecies do come true. When I think something is witty & funny I’ll hold unto it for(E)ver and one of my most favoritest things to say or write is that “I subconsciously sabotage relationships around the fifth year …” now that started after my divorce, I don’t know my exact divorcessary date but it has been more than 8 years. People laugh or say “boy you soo crazy” when they hear it, but in a recent conversation that centered around self-esteem, respect & acceptance I asked the question; I said “Self. Why do you say such a thing?” Myself said “I’ont really know. Let me think about it and I’ll get back to you.” I said “Alright. Remember that I am always here if you need to talk or anything.”
This is what myself concluded. I don’t feel that I’m complete, there are things that I haven’t accomplished, dreams deferred. Consciously I want to do well and be successful, however the expectation is that others will see me as a disappointment. My inner critic is a nasty som beatch! Now ya’ll know I love me some me but it’s caused me to be on some ole’ compulsive need for self-approval type sh*t which makes me defensive, self-centered & stubborn so by that fifth year “she” probably wouldn't be able to put up with me anyway. I steal, I don’t get stole right? (Rhetorical)
Ms. Miz has a wonderful message about discovering who you are and your worth. Know your Worth T!his was right on time for me today. Along with my award winning conversation with MB (You’re both appreciated.)
How do you define success? What makes someone successful?
Live Well,
Mr. “I’m not a player, I just crush a lot” TramueL
Beware of running away from problems.
After a textersation {I just coined this phrase … conversation through texting} with a good friend I’ve realized that I believe I know what other people want, but don’t really know what I need. My unspoken admiration for the folk that keep me grounded, sane & motivated is the reason for this post. They are a part of my life; some new, some old, some share my blood, some don’t, all-in-all they all are a part of my family, immediate and extended.
I shine when I serve others in some way and what I get back in return is far more beneficial to me than any 1ne of them can imagine. They bring me closer to capital {G}od’izzle, by desiring a closer relationship with HIM. They make me want to know more, thus inspiring me to read more & research more. They have taught me to be more honest. {Ya’ll know T!his is a struggle cause I enjoy story-telling and sometimes enjoy bending the truth} They inspire me to be a better father, brother, son & man. Last but not least, they’ve taught me to straighten out confusion or nothing will get done. I have some huge stones chasing me that I’ve now begun to face and stop running from.
I take in so much from my environment; T!his is one of the reasons why I tend to be indecisive, swinging between irrational and rational thoughts and feelings. It's pretty much something that takes place "upstairs" in my mind, although others are sure to see the struggle from time to time. I also have a tendency to misrepresent myself with what I say from time to time, but Mr.TramueL is a charming, if a little kooky, friend, father, brother, son & man.
Continue to Push Me & I’ll continue to Pull You.
In Gratitude,
“ You Can’t handle the Truth! “
The other night one of my many twiends re-tweeted a tweet from one of their tweeps. {Say that real fast while hanging from a spinning chandelier} … anyway it stated that 1ne of the most important ways to make a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E {Love} work is learning how to communicate the complete truth ...
I have a mom, two sisters, three baby mamas, an ex-wife, a side chick, a “she” and a plethora of female friends who sit on my couch so I feel it’s okay for me to impart my impractical wisdumb on this topic.
“There are no whole truths: all truths are half-truths. It is trying to treat them as whole truths that plays the devil.” - Alfred North Whitehead
There is no science. The problem starts with definitions. In order to maintain our self-image as unselfish and honest, we seem to have special definitions that help disguise the true state of affairs … of course, we are all honest. We just leave out a few facts, but we never lie! We would feel very uncomfortable with a definition of truth that disallows this type of behavior.
Folk will retort that the truth is often near impossible to define. And, that the whole truth can never be said. Indeed.
Any. But let’s take something as simple or as complex, depending on your perspective, as telling your significant other that you actually had 30 sexual partners before them. If your partner told you such a truth after first having told the untruth, how would you react? If your partner told you such a truth, without ever having told the untruth, how would you react? Would you insist that your partner answer such a question to you? Would you want to hear the truth or would you rather not know? Would you want him/her to lie to you?How would you estimate the chance that she/he will find out the lie? How BIG a lie do you think this is if you did it? if a partner did it?
Communicate the complete truth? Nah kid … Men & Women use dishonesty to enhance those features that are most desired by the opposite sex. Men, for example, lie about commitment, honesty and resources.
What do people really mean by honesty in a partner? That we tell the truth about our flabby bellies? Or that we tell the truth about our desire for our boo’s friend?
Can you be completely honest with each other? Something doesn’t make sense.
Don’t worry mere mortals … I use my powers for good not evil.
{{{Evil Voice Laugh}}} mwahahaha
Over the last three weeks there have been several missions that needed my impractical wisdumb so I dawned & sealed my protective mask, pulled up my tights, threw on my cape and flew in to save the day! Two friendgurlz situations immortalized in this post. No names were used (only pronouns) to protect the downtrodden.
Mission Improbable
Boy meets girl, boy & girl fall in love, boy & girl make plans to marry, boy & girl move in together … boy & girl now start to question a few things. They feel silly talking about “a few things” with others because they are so small in comparison with real sh*t men & women go through. But therein lies the problem, the small things can be such a HUGE drain emotionally. One wants kids the other doesn’t. One wants to buy a condo the other wants a house. One folds the towels in half the other in half, then in half again. Are you serious Mr.TramueL ... towels? Yes towels … Her: “My grandma taught me how to fold towels and that’s the way I’ve always done it.” Him: “Your grandma was wrong.” *Side note* When he woke up from “her” knockout blow he was asked did he know where he was, he replied “… at my mama’s house.”
If you are raised, grow up observing or taught to do things a certain way it becomes embedded in you, second nature and we tend not to challenge our thought process assuming that our outlook is shared by our significant other, especially after you’ve played with each other horizontally.
The learned behavior in men, whether taught or observed, is to be the head of the house and by that authority the woman should be submissive to his will. When that will is challenged he will seek other ways to gain what he perceives as control.
The “un”learned behavior in women, whether taught or observed, is that of independence and self reliance. When that independence is challenged or she is made to feel inferior she will tell everybody that will listen she will seek other ways to feel empowered.
“She” called to ask for help or rather needed confirmation that her point of view was correct. She believes that because she makes more money than her husband, she shouldn’t have to answer to him and that all decisions should run through her. “She” said everyone else responded with the “compromise” and “ya’ll should make decisions as a team” nonsense. Well I’m the referee and I’m throwing the flag … bullsh*t. Even on a team there is a coach that draws up the last play with instructions on how to win. Compromise, a concept of finding agreement through communication, through a mutual acceptance of terms, often involving variations from an original goal or desire … bullsh*t, someone always gets their way. What is the compromise between someone wanting children & someone not wanting children?
Someone has to lead; I don’t care who as long as its not about money, power or control. Have a conversation; connect emotion and intellect, look for thoughtfulness in love and be open to the other point of view.
Do As I Say Not As I Do
Don’t be afraid to take the lead. Direction is needed – you may have to supply it. Strengthen your will to avoid indecision.
Fear of losing independence may actually be fear of getting close
Be as honest as possible.
Don't take too much for granted.
Try harder not to hang on too tight.
Don't blow your own horn. ((Pause))
Conceit can undercut your efforts.
The labor department reported 85,000 jobs were lost due to the economy in December. I also continue to see record high unemployment rates across the nation, the carve out of unemployed Negro males {'Negro' now a choice on census forms} is higher than any other demographic … Then I realized that I’m a statistic! I’ve heard elected officials and analyst refer to an acceptable level of unemployment. WTF? Really? An "acceptable" level of unemployment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable still has a job.
May 2010 will make two years for me without a comparable full-time job. I’m employed in a part-time capacity by the very company that laid me off or rather I was rehired, yep after seven years I was treated just like anyone else, background check and the whole nine.
While I’ve done a fair job at best of maintaining … Did I ever tell ya’ll how much I like using ellipsis? It is time to get back to the business of handling business. I know you’ve either heard or seen this from me “there is no such thing as job security anymore and there are far better ways to make a living than selling yourself into indentured servitude.” But damn! The entrepreneurial spirit isn’t taking off like I thought it would. A brotha’ got big dreams, BIG dreams and it doesn’t involve being filthy rich a weakness for money does not imply power but rather doing something that I enjoy, providing a service that people want and need, strengthening the community, now add the fact that I would be able to support myself … BIG bucks no whammies! A definite plus.
To everyone finding their way in this madness remember there is nothing permanent except change.
Do As I Say Not As I Do
☛ Tend to what needs fixing … don’t leave it all up to fate. Make decisions and act on them decisively.
☛ Dig in your heels. Don’t depend on your talent or take success for granted, hard work is always needed.
"I don't always post but when I do I prefer WordPress." - Mr.TramueL™
I started posting to satisfy the voices in my head not to change the world, but what I found were a great group of writers, blogger's and personalities that have influenced me, challenged me or provoked a thought process and for that I'm most appreciative. Shout out to GI, Sunny D., Ms.Nikks ('cause I am nasty), Cyn, C.Black, Mase' & J.Shin.
This week I went back through my post and cleaned them up a bit; added pictures, cleaned up fonts where I could and er'thang. I noticed that there are topics that I enjoy & are a part of my daily life that are missing from here. There are post on my Posterous that are indicative of those passions, but even then only a few. So in my struggle to find the direction of my space on WordPress I've decided to do what I've always done, post about life's ironic twist & how they may sometimes startle us. I've also started a Photo blog that will include random photo's about nothing.
This year I will attempt to answer the following questions:
Two Zero Dimes first Do As I Say, Not As I Do
That's my time. I'm at the Public Library 'pose to be studying but I'm talking to the voices in my head.
*Drops Mic. Pours accelerant on stage as I exit. Strikes match. Throws lit match over left shoulder. Stage erupts in flames. Crowd goes wild!*
The perversity of nature is nowhere better demonstrated than by the fact that, when exposed to the same atmosphere, bread becomes hard while crackers become soft.
It must be snowing in the Souf'
Ol'e buying Bread & Crackers ass ninja's