
My writing process is generally born from my observations of the world around me, life and all of it’s ironic twist. Often transcribed as my attempt at levity of any given situation. I use wit and sarcasm to fulfill a psychological need (fantasy) because my will is directed inwards, often times I try to find a path for it, a path that will allow me to "get away from it all" at least some of the time. T(!)his is generally why I go way off into left field of the point I want to make in my post sometimes most times, so today I’m going to give it to you up front. The point that is. Bad Boy Baby #TakeThatTakeThat

My observations may appear as sharp, insulting or that I’m making light of a particular situation. When in reality I’m trying to assign meaning to what others might consider "ordinary" events. It is so completely natural for me to accept that there is more to the world than what is before my eyes.

“Team of Me” – The Point

I’m not a do-gooder nor am I a law-breaker. However, I’m not afraid of the "dark side" of human nature and will bend the rules from time to time if needed. I’m an introvert and it is more apparent to me now more than ever. Via  … Thinking first and talking later (Check), focus on depth (Check), exude calm (Check), prefer writing to talking (Check), embrace solitude (Check). It’s a gift and an “opportunity” for me when it relates to …


The Gift: I’m a giver & usually quick to help others, not only with er’day common task such as help with a move, sharing information & taking yo’ mama to the store, but also on a spiritual or psychological level.

The Opportunity: To counsel using God’s word. What I’ve found is that most of my thinking is related to HIM, I just never give HIM credit. Thus …

Spiritual Growth

The Gift: I take particular pleasure in growth and life's lessons. I’m an eternal student, so I am constantly transforming, evolving, and seeking a deeper relationship.

The Opportunity: Although I seek God’s love, sometimes I run from it. God is light, the fear of His Energy Star CFLs rated bulb shining on all of the things that are defaced or concealed in me brings realness to my conscience and how I perceive things. {This is a whole ‘notha post} The point: To have God become closer to me has meant facing up to the things about me I don’t like or want to see.


The Gift: I don’t like to brag, so I won’t.

The Opportunity: Learning to receive. We can define, debate, quote, reminisce and site examples of what a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E is or should be, but if we are not open to receive. Null.

*The Close* I can be emotional to the point of irrationality at one moment, and logical the next. How to blend my head and heart is a constant struggle. Moodiness {It’s complicated … my tendency to over analyze can give the the appearance of emotional detachment} and an extremely subjective nature makes me prone to hypersensitivity, which usually has to do with the fact that I take in so much from my environment. ☚That gives you Mr.TramueL’s Observations. Which takes us back up top & starts the writing process.

Mr. “I took time out to really emote and understand my own thoughts & may end up baffling others” TramueL

Mr.TramueL's Observation of Professional Work Environments That Are Not

Companies spend in excess of millions on their Brand through advertising and marketing. Image right? It’s so very necessary. Take for example professional sports organizations, world class right? (Rhetorical) They have development leagues for players that haven’t reached their full potential. Today I’m coining the phrase Semi-Professional Businesses for companies that haven’t reached their full potential.

Mr.TramueL’s Top Ten Reasons To (RE)Consider your business model.

10. When the Monday morning meeting looks like the line outside Club 935 or {Insert a hot club in yo’ city.} I’m just saying, if I can see your thong it’s wrong.

9. Teeth. You can’t speak to me about how great your benefits package is if the person you have facilitating has been in your employ for 14 years but their mouth looks like they chew coal colored rocks. Health benefits kick in after 30 days, dental must start in year 15.

8. Speak up! I know we are inside but u.s.e.  y.o.u.r.  w.o.r.d.s. I don’t care for squeaky mousey talking people. You’re a professional now put on your BIG boy & girl drawz and sound off.

7. I understand we all have different experiences, we’ve worked different jobs. If your previous employer was so great why are you here? If I have to hear how you did things there one more time! Null.

6. If your receptionist looks & smells like the smoking man from the X-Files it’s time to reconsider your ”lead from the lobby” strategy.

5. My pants sag because I have nasatall, but I’m constantly adjusting them so I don’t look like I’m on the yard. The corporate thug look is not a good look. {“No as* at all” for ya’ll always needing to have jokes explained}

4. Within every company, there will always be one know it all who think that they know what's going on; this person must be fired. Corollaries: 1. Nobody whom you ask for help will see it. 2. The first person who stops by, whose advice you really don't want to hear, will see it immediately.

3. Not really a reason to (RE)Consider your business model but more of a pet peeve. Reset the microwave! If you stop your food before the pre-set time, hit the clear button so that the next person can enjoy their delectable, tasty treat.

2. Your “Want Ad” should read & tell the truth. Strong communication skills: {Translation} You will write tons of documentation and letters.

1. Train your employees on proper bathroom etiquette. Small talk about the weather & dead air fillers should be reserved for your customers. When I’m at the urinal I just want to make pee-pee, I don’t want to hear that the water is cold or deep.

Live Well,

Mr. "My Pleasure" TramueL



*Clears throat for speech*

I don’t know where to begin so I’m going to share how my “be you (tiful)” mind bought this post into existence. It’s a few weeks old and has been sitting in my drafts folder quivering like a frightened child with the fear of being scolded by a parent. {Where is D to the Y? Where is Dez? Where is DJ?} ☚Insiders

I’m on Tweedeck with columns for Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz, LinkedIn & FourSquare all in view. The word “friend” was lighting up and jumping off the screen towards me from each. Some praised their friends while others contemplated if someone was ever really their friend. So I stopped and I asked myself, I said: “Self? How do you define a friend?” Myself said: “I’ont know kid, I’ont wanna study war no’ mo’.”  I mumbled: “T!his guy.” … I think the force was strong with the Blog circle that week ‘cause it spawned a few post on or pertaining to friends.

C.S. Lewis categorizes a four letter word beginning with L and ending with E into four basic human loves: Affection, Eros, Charity & Friendship, of the four friendship is probably the least valued and most underrated. The reason is that many of us have not experienced a substantial, enduring friendship. I have over six-hundred “friends” on Facebook & three-hundred “Followers” on Twitter. These relationships involve nothing but a tweet and a status update, just a passing connection … another reason friendship is devalued. We say associates and acquaintances from work are friends, from these relationships a friendship may grow but it doesn’t have the trust, loyalty, commitment or intimacy of true friendship. The other night while speaking with a conversance they shared feeling alone, identifying the fact that from within their phone’s contact list there wasn't anyone they could call at 10:00 p.m. on a Saturday night. I’m sure they have “friends” but they weren’t clocked in at that particular moment. Aside from my sisters, a cousin, my parents and the women I’ve dated, I’ve never had a true friendship. I’ll minimize that by saying I’m not holding a casting call for any friends because I’m an introvert. Connecting with others is a process, the flow involves questions, inferences and conversation. The problem that I have is that most friendships start from the value of it’s usefulness, achieving some material end or as folk to kill time with. My standard of folk and my actual expectation keeps my from reaching out. I understand that this is a problem and I’m working through (My therapist says only four more sessions at an extended rate & I should be ready to hold a casting call.)

So after talking & hugging it out with Mr.TramueL our definition of friend would be someone who supports my emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual development. Someone who doesn’t want me to stay as I am, they want me to grow, they want nothing less than my wholeness & my holiness.

There is so much more that I could say but I won’t, I’ll allow you to speak on what you see as true friendship?

Magic Always,

Mr. "One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else" TramueL

Mr.TramueL's Commentary on Perceptual Filters


What Are They?

Every single piece of information you are exposed to is run through a complex set of filters before you decide what, if anything, to do with it.

This causes you to unconsciously delete, distort and generalize information according to a number of things such as your meta programs (these are the things you are born with that are hardwired such as a tendency to be optimistic or pessimistic) beliefs, values, attitude/mood at the time etc.

You have no choice but to do this because you’d go insane (even if you had the mental capability, which you don’t) trying to judge every single thing on it’s own merit.

A Real Man is a Man Who's Real



A real man is a man who's real. He's not trying to cover up his mistakes or pretend he's better or worse than he is. He wants to discover his created purpose in life and get to the root of what's keeping him from it.

Ask for forgiveness, move on, let go & let God.



Photo Credt:

The Terrifying Acceleration of Interpersonal Communications Will Uglify All Hope for Human Psyche II

Capture I had to create this award winning post all over again. I’m sharing with you technology tips however, I couldn’t recover my own post … any who!

This is part II to my my Nobel award winning piece “The terrifying Acceleration of Interpersonal Communications Will Uglify All Hope for Human Psyche” were I provided tools to simplify your life. This time ladies and gentleman I will share add-ons and plug-in to use as you are perusing the world wide web. I use Mozilla Firefox primarily so the following are available. Google Chrome may have extensions for most if not all of these as well, but we ain’t talking ‘bout them, we rolling with Firefox.


Cooliris Inc. has two that I use on the regular:


CoolPreviews: If you have too many links to look through, the CoolPreviews browser extension opens a preview window to any link you mouse over when you point your cursor to an individual search result. A small, translucent blue box appears. Mouse over that and CoolPreviews pops up a floating window with that link's contents.

Cooloris {Pic Lens}: Transform your browser into a lightning fast, cinematic way to discover the Web. This plug-in takes you to an expansive "3D Wall" that lets you browse thousands of images, videos, and more with ease and speed.


Ad Blocker Plus: The name says it all. This kills web ads in your web email client and on all of your social sites, it is seamless I don’t even realize it’s there until I’m on someone else's machine and see all of the ads, images, scripts and flash content.


SkipScreen: Never download music without it. This was created to skip unnecessary pages on sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, zShare, Mediafire, and more.

Supertwitter-64This is not the actual logo, but I like it. #DontJudgeMe

Power Twitter: Designed to make the twitter experience more full-bodied. PT interacts directly with the website & because it is embedded in the Firefox browser it is able to do some pretty slick things: Inline embedded media from Flickr, YouTube, TwitPic and others, expanded URLs so you can see where links might take you, twitter search and search results right on the page, peek - an avatar mouseover that lets you see recent tweets from that person & even status updates that are happening with your friends on Facebook.

Here come my favorites!


Google Redesigned: A complete redesign of popular Google services, Google Redesigned loads and manages several CSS stylesheets that change the appearance of popular tools. It has since grown to incorporate Google Calendar and Google Reader, and is slowly taking on other services one by one. I use it with …

Google-Reader-32 Google-Sites-32 Google-Talk-32 Google-Voice-32 Google-Calendar-32 Google-gMail-32 Google-Picasa-32

Integrated Gmail: Allows you to make the Inbox Collapsible and loads your choice of Google Calendar, Reader, Notebook, Groups etc... seamlessly into the gmail interface below the inbox (rather than the sidebar) using a collapsible box. It even supports custom URLs (with navigation buttons) and Google Gadgets. If your are inbox minimalist, you can enable minimalist mode to clean up the inbox even more. Works with Google App Accounts and Gmail Themes.

Here is a snapshot of my Gmail Inbox using both. I've integrated my Google Voice account and my Wordpress Blog.


My absolute Favorite!

Circle Dock: The Circle Dock application was designed to help you launch your programs from a circular dock, drag and drop your files, folders, and shortcuts onto a circular dock that you can resize. Rotate the dock with either your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys. Change the image shown for the icons and change the skins (compatible with icons and skins for Rocket Dock, Object Dock, etc.) The dock appears where your mouse is by pressing a hotkey (default is F1) or your middle mouse button, other options available.

I use it to keep my desktop organized and clutter free. Wanna see it? here it go …

Circle Dock

This concludes my portion of the show folks, nothing else to see please move along.

Magic Always,

Mr. “Be You (tiful)” TramueL™

Transcending Conflict

Pretentious Look at my degrees So I’m on my intelligently hedonistic tip commenting on my blog homie Sunny D’s Spoken Words & Thoughts post “Light Skin Complex” … I drop a little knowledge and walk away. My equilibrium was off so I retraced my interactions for the hours, days & week until I returned to find someone had willfully and rather maliciously destroyed balance in the TramueL™verse, I mean, ♬ I know way too many ♬ people than I did last year ♬ who the F is you?

The comments did not effect me in the way I’ve dramatically displayed above. It reads as if someone was out to destroy me … nah kid, I’ont study war no’ mo’. Honestly as I tried to explain the dis-connect between what she read and interpreted to what my response really meant. Other thoughts ignited a fire deep in my loins. Mr.TramueL is a peace enabler and before I continued on the path of least resistance I invited her to step outside, ‘cause I know some body snatchers. Seriously, (I do) but no really to take the debate offline instead of showing out all willie nillie on someone’s page. After a sharp warning that I was pretty slick with this here technology thang‘ & that if she tried to spam me, somebody was about to come up missing, I offered her my email address so we could continue our verbal jab’s offline. She would have to bob and use her weave.

She accepted and responded saying that she laughed at my “spam” comment. Her point (kinda) was that I was neither a dark or light skinned female so I could not offer an opinion as such. I explained that my response was not my view but a way to step outside of the typical thought process that someone was inferior and that there are outside influences at work.

Go read the post and comments. I’ll wait.

I want to preface this next section saying that I informed Gorgeous Puddin (That is the name that came through her email client) that I would be immortalizing her in a post and gave her an opportunity to respond  to my take aways. My first observation: The need for her to go soo hard for soo long *pause* I mean the need for so much detail? I did tell her that I would welcome it and appreciate it on my page, however, it was almost a mini post, she could have responded on her own page and linked to it. Mute point. She did answer this for me indirectly though. “I normally don't comment on blogs outside my circle as you say, but race issues provoke me in such way, and because it is my field of study (b.a. Sociology and African American studies currently finishing masters in Education on to PhD.) i have to say something.” Point taken. Which brings me to thought number two. Education & why she felt the need to bring it up soo many times? I said: “The second point to jump out at me was your need to mention your education (Which I am very proud of as a human being that you have achieved so much and continue to thirst for more. *Ovation*) it is almost as if you are compensating for something. I thought it was irrelevant, your words showed your intelligence, besides University degrees don't guarantee intelligence.”  … “concerning the subject and nature of the post, again it makes me wonder about why it was such a hot topic for you. Maybe the situation was reversed? Instead of the attacking you were being attacked? Not enough love from the fellas in school? Did they prefer the lighter-skinned women?”

So I didn’t receive a response (yet) from Gorgeous Pudding, the irony maybe that my e-mail is sitting in her spam folder O_O. Tips to avoid BB (Blog Beef) Get the best out of your interactions. Play fair. Try to transcend differences, avoid pettiness & minor irritations.

Mr. “I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant” TramueL™


Money Is A Good Servant But A Bad Master

Shirt-Blue-Tie-256 It’s Me … Mr.TramueL! Seems like forever since I left you without a strong post to step to. Bear with me on this one ‘cause I don’t know the point I’m trying to make. Random thoughts around my ex, un-employment and my future.

Of The Job Interview: Interviewed with Bank of America this week (Third interview in as many days) … a little history, I was a victim of “workforce reduction” two years ago this month. The new position to many would be considered a step backwards but hey I gotta eat, baby mama’s want child-support and kids want gifts.

Of The Ex: My ex-wife through all of our years together {total of 14 maybe, married 7 or 8 of them} who really remembers? Don’t answer & don’t judge me … anywho let’s call her “Chica” ‘cause her dad was Dominican and after I took my last name back she decided to use his (used her mama’s maiden name prior) but I digress. Anywho, Chica tends to remember our wedding day and sends text messages saying “Happy Anniversary” I guess you would have to understand her personality to understand why, sure there is some sarcasm there but secretly she still desires me, I mean who wouldn’t? I’m an incredibly sexy man. J/K ☚*Disclaimer just in case she ever reads this, but we all know the truth. Wink. WInk. Blank Stare.*

You have questions: “Mr.TramueL? What does this have to do with the title of your post.” Well I have answers … The recruiter, the interviewers all made a subtle hint at the variance in salary from my previous position with the bank to the max pay for the position applied, my “read”, they wanted some explanation why I wanted to work in their department. So I gave the corporate “build a foundation” speech. I looked over at one of the women during the interview and she was salivating .. I guess it was what she wanted to hear or it could have been my crisp white shirt with my blue tie & my Austin Reed suit. *Shout out to three buttons, back vents & Euro cut*

It resonated with me, the question of money, it seems for the sake of making a living we forget to live. I thought being a good husband meant working like a rant mule so that we could have “things” … the best things in life aren’t things. Chica seemed to want the best of both worlds, She said: “Go pick up that bail of hay negro & afterwards let’s go on a trip to Africa.” I said: (Nothing) But I thought … never allow your sense of self to become associated with your sense of a job. If your job vanishes, your self doesn’t. The happiest time of my life has been during this period of unemployment, I’ve been able to spend more time with my family immediate and extended, been able to reveal some hidden passions and get serious about my health, my relationship with Capital G’dizzle, His Son & their Homie the Holy Ghost. There are plenty of folk whom have found the acquisition of wealth only a change, not an end of miseries. “Mo Money, Mo Problems”

Don’t cry for me Argentina this isn’t a nostalgia piece about my ex or the past but a segway into my future, this is about lessons learned and carrying them forward.

Of My Future: Relaxed in Love.

He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. Ecclesiastes 5:10 NASB

Mr. “She remembers our anniversary, I remember our divorcesary” TramueL

Beautiful Blogger Award

award_beautiful So my Blog is approaching the (1)ne year mark and rather than cheer for the Team of Me I decided to  spread some E-Love with my Fav Five Fab Women in the whole world, that’s right the whole world. I would like to thank each of them for being my willing conduit into the world of women. I wanted to do things a little different because I am me and I am nothing short of amazing, however, this isn’t about me it’s about them. They have shared emotional experiences, lend credence to normalcy and engulfed the blogosphere in flames. I’m gonna step back and allow them to introduce themselves.

Goddess Intellect

“My name is Goddess Intellect I am a blogger, freelance writer and lifestyle guru (in training) from the city of Toronto.”

“Writing and sharing gives me a podium to bellow from that  I rarely get to stand on in my offline life. After over a year of blogging I’ve connected with so many amazing individuals with interesting stories to tell and lots of valuable knowledge to share. They encourage me to tell my own story, and bring my all to the table while learning to be a better me. Every time I write I feel a weight taken off my shoulders, words are my healing. The responses from my readers sadly enough, really make or break my day. With that said I enjoy the community aspect of blogging and am constantly striving to expand my online network through vlogging, Facebook, attending blogging conferences, guest blogging and now through Blogtalk radio.”

Miz Represent

Read Miz’s words here ☛ Beautiful Blogger Award

… and this is why she’s hot (in her own words)

Why I write, share, blog? ”I have been writing for as long as i can remember. Being a lover a books it just came natural to write out my feelings. First I wrote poems, then journaled, later moving into writing fiction. I started this blog with initial concept of journaling my experiences with becoming a small publisher. Soon, i started to talk about my life, one is not separate from the other, because no matter what you are trying to do, you will continue to experience life, and in that respect there will be many ups and downs.”

”Blogging has allowed me the freedom to express myself for the most part freely. My experience has overwhelmingly been positive, but along the way there were some instances that caused me to at time censure my thoughts and feelings. Why do i blog? Well, it's really quite simple, because i like reaching out to people. I like sharing ideas, discussing life, comparing experiences and eventually learning that we are not really that different from one another, in fact we are more alike than we like to admit. Well, that's it for me. So tell me FAM, why do you blog, or why do you read blogs?”

SunnyDelyte Spoken Words & Thoughts

“A Lil About SunnyD:”

“Born and raised in Trenton, NJ. I was introduced to blogging by my big sis. She thought it would be a great way to vent some of the things in my head. After a couple of people commented, I realized that I wasn’t the only person who thought like me. (Meaning I wasn’t the only shot out person in the group..LOL) “

“Writing as always been my things since high school. That’s when I met Spoken Word (Poetry)… I wrote my anger out and it help the anger leave me. Writing VS Fighting…would do me good…because I was so self- destructive during that time. Writing help me control my anger issue and get to know me. Ever since then, writing and I have been in a long term relationship now. I can see us parting ways.”

“Sharing my words helps me get feedback and advice on how to handle the different situations in my life. I’m always looking for someone wise to share their wisdom. After all there’s nothing new under the sun, right? Keeping it real is the only way I know to keep being me…Sunny D.”


Read Ms.Nikks’ words here ☛ Beautiful Blogger Award

(7)even reasons she Blogs …

  1. This is my outlet to get all the crazy out!  Trust me, I’m plenty crazy.
  2. I’ve been tempted many times to erase the whole thing, but my blog fam inspires me on a daily.
  3. I enjoy the feedback, various points of views, and openness that comes with/from the comments I receive.
  4. I want world dominatio peace, lol no I want to inspire women and men to be the best them!
  5. I do this to help better relationships between parents and children, friends, lovers, races, etc.
  6. My friends won’t let me quit.  I do have a goodbye blog saved in draft.
  7. I’m outspoken and I take no shit from anyone, sometimes I forget to say the things I want in the moment of a heated, Katrina-esque fury, so I take it to the blogs.


“When I first started it was just a hobby. I wanted to express my thoughts on Alicia Keys/Mashonda and that's where it began. Then I began to enjoy what I was saying and doing, it began to mean something to me. As a songwriter, I always knew how to capture what others were feeling through music but blogging was totally different from what I was accustomed to. I had to start capturing my feelings towards certain topics. And that for me was exciting. Blogging has allowed me to let down certain walls that I had built. It allowed me to have a voice in my community. It honestly has helped me to learn that there is more to Je'Tara than I even knew was there.”

“The reason why I keep blogging is because people need honesty. I don't have all the answers to certain situations but I do have my opinions. I don't like things to be sugar coated. On my blog whether you are a celebrity or regular person if you do something that I feel needs to be touched on, I will do so honestly. Some topics I touch on are personal but many people may have dealt with them. If I can make someone say, "Yeah I get what Je'Tara was trying to say or I never thought about it like that" then I have done my job. I honestly have began to love this. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon either.”

“I want to be able to continue to captivate my audience. I also have a special spot for black women. I want them to know how special they are. I need them to know that they matter in the world and that through my blog their voices will be heard. I want them to know that I love them enough to give them post that uplift them. I also want to tell them the things we need to change and work on, to make us better women. “

”I am enjoying the doors that are being opened up to me. Through blogging, I have met some wonderful people and made some beautiful relationships with bloggers who have a common goal as I do. This blog has helped me to begin to brand Je'Tara. I have new sites in the works and it all started with Je'Tara Speaks. I have only been up since the end of December and I am grateful for the love I am receiving from fellow bloggers. I am loving the feedback I get from readers. So it started as a hobby and turned into something great. It turned into an outlet for me and a way to express my feelings. I hope that I can keep blogging in the future and that my post inspire people in some way. Thank you Mr. Tramuel for giving me the opportunity to share my story!”

There they are! Thank you ladies!

Sunday April Twenty Five Two Thousand Ten


So I had and awsomely' amazing time in church Sunday, the Spirit was amazing! The pastor didn't preach, we prayed, cried, sang & praised.

I thanked Him for a wonderful service with my Father.

So I had a wonderful time swimming with Lil’ Mr.TramueL at the YMCA, we laughed, talked & had a great time!

I thanked Him for amazing time with my Son.

So I came home and prepared a great meal, still basking in the glory of a wonderful day, the best I've felt in awhile.

I thanked Him for the meal & an incredible day.

So I leave the house to take Lil’ Mr.TramueL home and Boom! I run into the back of a car. 'I honestly don't know what happened. I wasn't talking or texting, wasn't distracted by anything, I was only 2 minutes from the house.

I thanked Him that no one was hurt.

Wasn’t sure what GOD wanted me to know at the time.

I thanked Him in advance for the lesson.

Clearly I now know. The lesson is to praise GOD at all times.


Chico DeBarge - Love Still Good

Love Still Good by Chico Debarge Listen on Posterous
Is the love still good (Still good, baby)
Is the love still good (Still good, baby)
Still good, baby (You gotta know)

You know I'm free
Out on parole
Just got my papers, honey
I'm really home

So what's going on, suga
How is your life, baby

It's so good to be back
You're still fine as the day we met
Oh, I heard you got babies, that's cool
Do they play at the park where we used to make love after dark

Is the love still good
Is the love still good (Still good, baby, uh)
Still good, baby (You know, you wanna know, baby, oh oh)
(Still good, baby, baby)

I didn't know
I was your first
I was your soldier, baby
Everything real

But you found another
And I understand, lover
'Cause I lost my brother
From the war on drugs

Got so much, baby
I could offer you
I'm a man, not the boy that I was
So why gamble with life in the streets when I got you at home, baby

Is the love still good (Oh, baby)
Is the love still good (Still good, baby)
Still good, baby (Wanna know, baby, gotta know, baby)

Hey ey
Still good, baby
Is love still good, babe

Is the love still good (Still good, baby)
Is the love still good (Still good, still good, baby)
Still good, baby (Tell you that, still good, baby, still good, baby)

I remember back in the day
We used to vibe around the way
You told me you loved me, wish I had stayed
Right there in your arms underneath the stars

We still made beautiful love
Every night, every day
We would wake up
To a brighter morning, baby

You were here for me
Why did you walk out on me, baby
When I went down
When I went down, baby

I still remember every night in your basement
There in the dark, we made love
Your lovin' was so sweet, reminiscin'
We got much time, baby, to catch up, oh, lady
So let's take our time, baby

Get to know each other all over again
I'm not the same boy, I'm a man, lady lover
Oh, lover, lover
Oh, baby, do you still wind it up like you used to back in the day

Lyrics Credit: Lyrics Download

Kahlil Gibran on Love


When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.
He threshes you to make you naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life's heart.

But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.

When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.

Kahlil Gibran and Mary Haskell Painting by Kahlil Gibran





Well Camouflaged ... Mr.TramueL's Corollary

Well Camouflaged Eight months ago I was inspired to write a witty commentary on how some women in the workplace choose to wear battle fatigues and utility belts: “Well Camouflaged” That’s kind of dramatic but I wanted to grab your attention. I had a conversation tonight with (1)ne of the ladies that inspired the original post. {We are now “friends” on Facebook, but that in itself is a whole notha’ post} … so I’m talking with her about skin care because she sells Mary Kay and Mr.TramueL is trying to get his face right for his “Future” … anywho someone walks past wearing camouflage and I cut my eyes. She notices and the conversation begins:

Mary Kay: “Why did you lQQk at her like that?”

Mr.TramueL; “Like what? You mean with a side eye?”

Mary Kay: “Yes. She already thinks you don’t like her.”

Mr.TramueL: “I give out what I get.” “I’ve worked here for a long-minute and she can’t even make eye-contact with me. We don’t have to hold a conversation, common courtesy would be for her to acknowledge me, a head nod, a stanky leg, I would even except a racial slur or two, I’ma need for her to say something.”

Mary Kay: “At first I thought you didn’t like me either.”

Mr.TramueL: “I didn’t.”

Mary Kay: “Man! You so crazy.”

Mr.TramueL: *Blank Stare* *Blink, Blink*

Mary Kay: “I mean, I didn’t really talk to anyone in here because so many women are catty and guys are always trying to talk to me.”

Mr.TramueL: *Blank Stare* *Blink, Blink*

… See Original Post.

Live Well,

Mr. “Your Energy Can Be Better Spent” TramueL

Friday's E-Mail Bag







A woman pregnant with triplets was walking down the street when a masked robber ran out of a bank and shot her three times in the stomach. Luckily the babies were OK. The surgeon decided to leave the bullets in because it was too risky to operate. She gave birth to two healthy daughters and a
healthy son.

All was fine for 16 years, and then one daughter walked into the room in
tears. "What's wrong?" asked the mother. "I was taking a tinkle and this bullet
came out," replied the daughter.

The mother told her it was okay and explained what happened 16 years ago
About a week later the second daughter walked into the room in tears. "Mom,
I was taking a tinkle and this bullet came out." Again the mother told her not to worry and explained what happened 16 years

A week later her son walked into the room in tears. "It's okay" said the
Mom, "I know what happened You were taking a tinkle and a bullet came out."

"No," said the boy, "I was playing with myself and I shot the dog."





The Terrifying Acceleration of Interpersonal Communications Will Uglify all Hope for Human Psyche

Blackberry 8707g_64
Blackberry 8707g_64

I’m going to do something a little different with this post. I’m going to share  a few tools that I use that make my life more productive, some you may use, some you may have seen, some you may have not. That’s right Mr.TramueL is a closet tech-nerd who cares about the ho-zone … excuse me, what I meant to write was the ozone, saving the dolphins and green peace, but it ain’t easy being green. “She” said you should share some of that information with me. I decided to share it with the world. That’s right folks the whole world.

Without further adieu …


Evernote: Apps for Android, Blackberry, Palm, iPhone, iPad, iBoard, and the iMat. One account works across all of your devices. Text, email, speak, clip from the web any idea or thought and it syncs automatically everywhere.

Dropbox: Dropbox picks up where Evernote left off. Online backup, file sync and sharing. Music, Videos, Photo’s, Word & PDF documents. The free platform has it’s storage limits. (There is a Premium service) you can add extra space by having your friends and family sign-up and download the application on their machine. I share music and photo’s as well as backup a few files. (If you are interested, let me send you an invite! I need more space man!)

YouVersion: No longer can you say “I didn’t have time to read the word.” Pastor, Reverend, Elder or Daddy … or whom ever you answer to. Word. This is an online and mobile Bible, with reading plans so you are never out of touch no matter where you are. (Get off of Twitter and Study!) FREE app for all mobile platforms.

Windows SkyDrive: (Sorry! Can't set up a link, you need a Windows Live Profile) The service currently offers 25 GB of free personal storage, with individual files limited to 50 MB. You need a Windows Live  ID … but who cares?! it’s 25 GB of free online storage. Use it to hide those compromising photo’s of you and yo’ special friend doing what you did when you did it in Vegas.

Windows Live Writer: T!his is a desktop application that makes it easier to compose compelling blog posts using your current blog service.  (My new favorite! )I’ve used this to post my last five Blog post. The more professional of you may have been asked to provide an HTML version of a Blog to be incorporated on another Bloggers page. Well this makes it extremely easy to do so. Link it with your Youtube account and import videos seamlessly. Lots of benefits to this … listen to me now and believe me later. Check it out. Combine this with Movie Maker and you are sure to have yo’ five minutes of fame!


Google Voice: Unfortunately this one is available by invite only but I thought I would mention it so you will be aware just in case someone says “Man I have two Google Voice invites but no one wants them.” Ladies throw yourself at this man! Fella’s if it’s a (wo)man throw yourself at her! If you’re using an Android based handset (Lucky Bastard!) the app is incredible! Google makes it very easy to use from any Mobile browser though. Here are a few of the features …

  • Google voicemail: voicemail like email
  • Voicemail transcription: read what your voicemail says
  • Custom greetings: vary voicemail greetings by caller
  • International calling: low cost calls to the world
  • Notifications: read voicemail messages via email or SMS
  • Share voicemails: forward, embed, or download voicemails
  • One number: a single phone number that rings all your phones
  • Free SMS: send, receive & store text messages online
  • Block calls: send unwanted callers straight to voicemail
  • Record calls: record phone calls and store them online
  • Conference calls: join several people into a single call
  • Screen callers: hear who is calling before you pick up

I have it, use it and it is truly TramueListic! Holla at yo’ boy! So comfortable that I want you to have my number 704.951.76xx (I changed my mind at the last minute! I know way too many people here right now that I didn't know last year who the eff' are ya'll?) … prank call if you want! I’ll block you, I can even make you think the number has been dis-connected. I also have a connection with Top Flight Security of the World. The Whole World.

Honorable mentions include Google Calendar, Google Books, Google Docs, Google Reader … I guess anything Google ‘cause it’s free!

Live Well,

Mr. “These are just a few, I’ma make this a two-part series” TramueL

I feel Dirty.

So I have a new follower on Twitter @Dirtypanties1

Just in case you can't read what they sell ... Here you go.

"Pleasure yourself with sexy, beautifully scented panties worn by beautiful and sexy women. Our panties are worn for 2 days to maximixe the scent of a woman. Packaged in plastic so the moment you open them, you are engulfed in the sexy musky scent of a soft warm woman's most private parts. Choose from our most polular models and styles."

... Yep! Blocked & Reported.

Dear Facebook Password Reset Confirmation! Customer Message,


Your service in unparalleled and I personally thank you for changing my password. Verifying it by sending me a document as an attachment to open was very clever!

You are clearly the smartest group of people I've ever known! I'm so glad I use "Your Facebook" I want you to know that I'm adding you to my "Things I give a eff' about notebook"

Thank you!

Ten & A Half Things That Kill A Conversation Quickly


10. Things I don’t know anything about. (Translation: Things I would write in my “Things I give an Eff about notebook”) ☛ Them: “You going to the concert?” Me: “Oh! Who’s coming?” Them “Justin Beiber.”  Me:

9. Bad Breath ☛ This is self-explanatory … you could stay and chat but you’re a man talking to another man, also it would be rude to throw-up in some(1)ne’s face.

8. A chatting chatty azz man ☛ I’m a man … “Ladies look at your man, now back at me, look at your man again, now back at me …” men get in and get out of conversations. If a dude lingers too long in the “I’ma boy” zone when he’s talking to another man. Look for me to start riding a horse backwards.

7. Repetition ☛ Every time I see you, you tell me the same thing. Go fall off a cliff so you’ll have some new stuff to talk about.

6. A long azz, on again off again engagement ☛ Face it “He’s just not that into you” and you’re never gonna get the deposit money back. Me: “Oh Ya’ll pushed it back until the Spring (again?) … well keep me posted! Listen, I have to go, gotta take Rocky to the Vet.” Her: “You don’t have a dog.” Me: 0_O

5. Conversations about Socialism ☛ Maybe I should listen … I mean with all your experience working the Frosty machine at Wendy’s. Unless you are a professor of History, Cultural Anthropology or Economics stop trying to kick knowledge son & go kick rocks.

4. Stop talking to me about the iPhone, iPad, iCar, iBoat ☛ *Deep Breath. Shots Fired. #pow #pow #pow* I don’t understand how I can admire a company soo much but hate them too. I won’t end the conversation, I’ll just provide tips on new apps that you should consider. Them: “I’m thirsty.” Me: “What? Your iPhone can’t turn the air into cool refreshing water? … There’s no app for that?”

3. Long Windedness ☛ Lil’ MrTramueL’s mother takes forever just to tell me that he needs some allergy medicine. Ms.Frenchie: “You remember the house where I grew up right? Me: “Yep. You’ve told me about it a  million times … can you make the long story short? You know how you do.” Ms.Frenchie: “Oh. Okay … Well, we used to have a window in my old bedroom, and my mama would leave it up at night so that ….” Me: “Places phone on mute. Walks away.”

2. People with American names who talk /sound funny on the phone ☛ Don’t ya’ll dare judge me! You know what I’m talking about … you call Apple support and Bob answers  but he sounds more like Madhav Kumar. *Dial Tone*

1. Carrying on side conversations ☛ Step away without a salutation or well wish and you get the dial tone. Your lil’ dyslexic child do that same stuff every time &  you feed into it! I’ma man, I’m only going to be a minute *Pause*  … tell lil’ Tommie to turn the book sideways and wait until you get off the phone.

0.5 (Number 3 Continues after 20 minutes) … *Comes back to phone* Ms.Frenchie:“ … the electrician had to install those three prong cords for the washing machine & the dryer …”

What drives you crazy on the phone? In person? At home … you get what I’m getting at! Answer the question!

Mr. “Give Up Conversation But Don’t Say Nothing” TramueL

*Disclaimer* Nothing wrong with working the frosty machine at Wendy’s. Somebody has to do it. Having an American name even though you have a thick azz accent. Lil’ Tommie really isn’t dyslexic, he’s special.