Top Things I’d Write About, But I’m Tired

Top Things I’d Write About, But I’m Tired

On Reflections of Cultural Criticism and Authenticity

I could write about why I muted Kendrick Lamar, Drake, the NFL, and the Super Bowl and what it means to unmute them. Many people are deep in confirmation bias;

The tendency to search for and interpret information in a way that confirms your pre-existing beliefs while dismissing evidence that challenges them.

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The Professor

The Professor

If the third-grade teacher in the Honda Accord is the foundation, then the professor is the evolution. Someone who takes what is simple and gives it depth, who refines knowledge into wisdom. She is the kind of person who doesn’t just read the world but interprets it, who knows that the right question is often more valuable than the right answer…

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Tuesday Musings and What’s On My Mind Right Now

Tuesday Musings and What’s On My Mind Right Now

Death and Loss: The Weight of Remembrance

The two-year remembrance of my mother brings the weight of grief back into sharp focus, but this time it feels layered with the pain of others around me. Witnessing my co-worker and close friend endure their own losses has deepened my reflections on death. Their grief reminds me of the universality of sorrow, yet each person’s experience is so uniquely personal. As I support them, I find my own grief taking on new dimensions, teaching me not just about the fragility of life but also the importance of remembrance as a way to honor both the loss and the lessons left behind by those we loved.

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I'm Proud of You

I'm Proud of You

There are few phrases as simple yet impactful as "I'm proud of you." When spoken genuinely, it lifts others in ways we might not fully appreciate until we hear them ourselves.

As we navigate through life, striving and working hard, we often doubt ourselves. We chase after goals, endure setbacks, and sometimes get lost in the grind. Amidst all this, it's easy to forget to pause and recognize our achievements, let alone hear someone else do it…

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The Beauty of Life Changes

The Beauty of Life Changes

As sudden and tragic as death always is, the daily functions of life must go on.

… And sometimes we feel guilty for laughing and having a good time, but I hope you know she would want you to enjoy your life and wouldn’t want to be the source of your sadness

- Nikks

I Am grateful for the loved ones in my life. My family and friends— inclusive of those on digital lists, they have all been a great source of comfort. The beauty is the lesson grief teaches us, we cannot rely on ourselves we need others.

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The Pain of Life Changes

The Pain of Life Changes

My mother passed on Monday, September 05, 2022.

I don’t write for circumstances, but solace from them.

Grief came to me, my family, and her friends like a vicious knife; sudden, terrifying, painful, and penetrating— Creating wounds that will take a very long time to heal. Grief is an intense emotion, all encompassing of the different pain and sorrow we feel after a heavy personal loss. Degrees of emotion vary from person to person and almost always runs the same course…

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With deep changes in two of my relationship categories; marriage and family (parent-child) I’ve been in my feelings about what it takes to have loving relationships. We can learn a lot from self-observation and while I did not find the keys to success, I do understand relationships can be ‘third entities.” Entities that can lead an existence independent of the will or desire of its partners or one that can prove far stronger than either individual.

Perhaps the prolific Dominican and African-American poet John David Jackson said it best…

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Peace II

Peace II

Journal Entry – April 11, 2021

I’m learning (& practicing) not becoming upset when some- thing/one irritates me. It is not easy to find peace when you are irritated or angered. One glaring example for me is becoming agitated while driving— happens to all of us I’m sure, a part of the human experience. I offset this by allowing myself plenty of time to get wherever I’m going, this has created a habit in me to always be on time. Unfortunately it created another opportunity for me; becoming irritated when others are late.

Lol, I’m just serious.

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Major Key

Major Key

A few weeks ago Mrs. TramueL closed on a commercial real estate loan. 

♫ My wife's Michelle, I brag different. 

'Til You Own Your Own You Can't Be Free

Less a two year layoff, I've been with my employer for 14 years (continuos service) and although I enjoy what I'm currently doing there is a loss of freedom; policy manuals filled with nonsensical rules and regulations. How to dress, talk and move. It seems silly but truly the only policy anyone needs is "Be smart. Be nice. Do what you love. Have fun."

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Ego Formation

Ego Formation

According to Freud, our self-concept (our sense of ourselves, including our confidence, our pride, and our sense of attractiveness to others) stems from three sources:

  • The residue of our original primary narcissism, which never fully disappears.
  • Our fulfillment of the imagined expectations of our ideal ego [Example] Our sense of being virtuous.
  • Finally, the satisfaction we get when our love is returned to us.

Mr. TramueL's corollary; people need love, to be seen, heard, and understood.

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Starting Weight: 322

Current Weight: 238

Target Weight: 225

One of my fitness applications asks “What is your motivation?” Outside of the obvious; looking good naked, health and vitality, I would say quality of life.

One of my goals for two thousand fourteen (Better Thinking) has been getting everyone onboard with living healthier. Eating went from zero to a hundred real quick, getting everyone to move (physically) has been less than. Excuses hold others back; time and energy man, time and energy.

I have full-time, part-time and side-time hustles, however I've dedicated myself to making time to Run. Lift. Crunch. everyday. Don't get bogged down in work, school and responsibilities. I have more energy, more focus and better quality of life because of not in-spite of 

“When we do more, we can do more.”


Obey. Love. Serve. Excel.

Someone special shared these words with me a few months back, I believe they were stuffed inside of her fortune cookie on the packaging of her green tea bags. {She reminded me}

How simple, perfect & profound.

I searched for the origin, didn’t find the source but determined that the phrase is a formula for devotion, not exclusive to the pursuit of God & religion. Devotion is viewed as the combination of love and dedication that motivates folk to excel.

The words by themselves have such a broad meaning but together they do create a  formula. In my Savon from Love Jones voice… “Let me break it down so that it is forever & consistently broke.”


To submit or conform in action to some guiding principle(1), impulse(2), or one's conscience(3.)

As it relates to the other words: “to hear,” “to listen.” The highest significance of its usage, however, is that of the relation of man & (wo)man to God. The first duty of love is to listen…


And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.” 

my man, your man, Khalil Gibran I’m gay for this dude & all of his writing(s).

As it relates to the other words: Love is caring in action. Love isn't what we feel, but what we do.


To give homage and obedience to.

You can not live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.” —John Wooden

As it relates to the other words: Service humbles us. Obedience, humility & love all begin with service.


To surpass others or be superior in some respect or area; do extremely well.

As it relates to the other words: To do or be better; to have your obedience, love & service show in everything that you do.

You have to follow your marching orders, even when the storms come. Obey. Give of your whole self, let you heart go through the pain. When it’s done it will reveal that God’s light always shines through. Love. Hold your commitment no matter what circumstances you cross. Serve. Let “the light” shine through into all that you do. Excel.
