A Short Story Starring Me and You, Yo’ Mama and Yo’ Cousin Too

A Short Story Starring Me and You, Yo’ Mama and Yo’ Cousin Too

A Tale of Lost Love and Lessons Learned

They say that a four-letter word beginning with L and ending in E is a journey of twists, turns, joy, and heartbreak. For some of us, there is someone from our past who has left an indelible placeholder on our heart. The Wo/Man who slipped through our fingers and away from our lovesick soul, leaving behind cherished memories and valuable life lessons…

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The Beauty of Life Changes

The Beauty of Life Changes

As sudden and tragic as death always is, the daily functions of life must go on.

… And sometimes we feel guilty for laughing and having a good time, but I hope you know she would want you to enjoy your life and wouldn’t want to be the source of your sadness

- Nikks

I Am grateful for the loved ones in my life. My family and friends— inclusive of those on digital lists, they have all been a great source of comfort. The beauty is the lesson grief teaches us, we cannot rely on ourselves we need others.

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The Pain of Life Changes

The Pain of Life Changes

My mother passed on Monday, September 05, 2022.

I don’t write for circumstances, but solace from them.

Grief came to me, my family, and her friends like a vicious knife; sudden, terrifying, painful, and penetrating— Creating wounds that will take a very long time to heal. Grief is an intense emotion, all encompassing of the different pain and sorrow we feel after a heavy personal loss. Degrees of emotion vary from person to person and almost always runs the same course…

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We Fly Like That

We Fly Like That

“Falling in love” implies a descension, also a bit of risk, too. When we fall it is generally associated with something negative happening to us. I tripped and fell inside of a woman I just met and now she is carrying my baby. Bad meaning bad, not bad meaning good. In the curious case of falling in love however, we tend to glamorize and adore the fall.

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The Shape of Things

The Shape of Things

Life taught me to see the best in people, and it’s driven me mental when people saw the worst in me. Would rather life said, show them the best in themselves because they forget that as well. Self-improvement is a two-way street. There’s a math to moving forward but the geometry (the mathematics of lines, shapes, and angles) always gets us down.

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Don't Fall in Love, Fly in Love

Don't Fall in Love, Fly in Love

Someone asked me "why did you get married?" and I answered with quick wit and a somewhat comical reply. A typical defense when someone asks you a question you're not sure how or simply unprepared to answer. 

"Michelle keeps food in the house and the utilities on." "Also, she is fine as fuck."

Them: "Seriously, and don't say for love."

The question was fielded by someone whom I share a lot with, there are often deep conversations where we opine about life and all of its ironic twist.

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A Beautiful Future

A Beautiful Future

Thoughts On One Year of Marriage

I’ve shared the back story on Michelle and I, summarized here Falling In Love With Love  

I imagine most of the opportunities couples face when reuniting after a break present themselves as problems or issues they’ve had in the past. It is fair to say that emotionally intelligent people are quick to forgive, but that doesn’t mean they forget, a (subconscious) trigger to protect them from future pain. 

Forgiveness does require letting go so that you can move on.  

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One Hundred Words. Love.

One Hundred Words. Love.

You never lost faith in me.
At my lowest you saw potential and fought for me to win. We remained friends in spite of my thorns and through my ongoing transformation. We have failed each other and we experienced limitations in our love. 

My love was limited by my inability to set aside self-interest; however, your love didn’t demand perfection. This alone makes it very easy to love, especially one that loves you.

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Belief & Logic

Belief & Logic

We have been taught to believe many things. Questioning those learned behaviors can be great for logical calisthenics. 


Im here writing about nothing, journaling my thoughts at four-thirty in the AM for no apparent reason other than laughing to keep from crying at the biggest opportunity in my relationship with The Future...

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Falling In Love With Love

Falling In Love With Love

Following my divorce I coined a phrase, The Future X Mrs. TramueL. I believed I would never remarry or if I did it would not last. In my heart I did not truly believe this but there was an underlying theme of unresolved negative emotions. Fooling myself came naturally, believing that someone else was to blame for my unhappiness.

Blame the head, not the heart.

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