In To Me See


When I moved to Atlanta I became quickly enamored with the amount of melanin in the metro area. One of my favorite things to do involved people watching in Underground. One day while taking in the sights, sounds and smells a young woman approached me from the stairs of the Dollar Store. She stopped and chatted’ me up. Most of you know from previous post that I have no idea when a woman is hitting on me.

She gassed me from the start...

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Confrontational Honesty

When Michelle & I started dating we visited Charleston, SC. While amazed at the culture, food and charm of the city I would be remiss if I did not state how sensitive to my surroundings I had become; the vendors on the market, the owners of the shops and restaurants and especially while on a tour of a plantation. Even more reticent when faced with the tour being rushed so they could set up for an onsite wedding that evening.

In retrospect I didn’t know how to effectively communicate my feelings so I remained silent. 

Not speaking about the facets of racism only silences those who endure it. It does not erase the actions of those who engage in it or will engage in it in a number of ways; from individual to individual, legislatively, culturally (from law enforcement, banks, schools etc.) to of course the media.

Find your voice. 

I Am

Detached Observer

Detached Observer

At times I Am an avid listener; I have family, friends and co-workers who call me to complain, often daily, but they are not seeking advice. (Even when they are fortunate enough to have a problem with a clear solution, they will ignore it and continue to complain.) At those times, I realize that they only seek to vent,. they are not seeking a solution nor would they implement one if it presented itself. This is what it sounds like when doves cry. It also sharpens my listening skills as I become a detached observer, allowing them the space to talk it out.

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Good Tasting Medicine

Good Tasting Medicine

Caught up in a reverie.  One Summer in D.C., while playing in an abandonded pickup truck, I cut my left knee on an old, rusted hubcap. I'm horrible with time/age, I imagine I was five or six. I recall not being able to sleep at night. In part due to the pain but mostly by not being able to move/shift my body into a comfortable position.

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Belief & Logic

Belief & Logic

We have been taught to believe many things. Questioning those learned behaviors can be great for logical calisthenics. 


Im here writing about nothing, journaling my thoughts at four-thirty in the AM for no apparent reason other than laughing to keep from crying at the biggest opportunity in my relationship with The Future...

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Random Observation #2,916

Random Observation #2,916

Unsociable Behavior

While on our morning walk, Maestro our 2 year old Cocker Spaniel, rarely barks. The dogs in our neighborhood are either behind fences or kept indoors. There is one however that is on a chain and the owner(s) normally leave him unattended in the front yard. He is pretty agressive to passerbys; canines and people alike. 

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A Young Dog Taught Me Old Tricks

A Young Dog Taught Me Old Tricks

Dog people bear witness to the incredible focus of their four-legged friends. While we prepare food or eat a meal their heads never shift, eyes locked, concentrating on every hand movement or every bite. While I steal time everyday to reflect, their mental experience encourages me to meditate. The absence of intention, without distractions has to be beneficial to both mental and physical health. 

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The Post About Nothing

The Post About Nothing

At Work

Doesn't matter what time someone comes in; 7:30 AM or 10:30 AM the conversation is always about lunch. “What’s for lunch?” “What are we eating today?” This leads to discussions about food; Meatloaf Monday, Taco Tuesday … this leads to someone saying an unfamiliar term like “pop” we call it soda 'round these parts … this leads to me laughing so hard as we discuss the proper pronunciation of Crayon

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Work, Slight.

I was introverted, not shy in junior and senior high school. I had a popular older sister [by three years] and it afforded me a lot of favor with the upper classmen.  I recently re-signed up on “the book”, please note I did it for the 7 extra spaces on the Target Cartwheel app. I also loved the Paper app but it was useless without an active account. Having not used the book in year(s) I thought all was lost, but living souls still there sharing and shining.

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7N Beatties Ford Road

7N Beatties Ford Road

A little over 2wo weeks ago the TramueLites were down to one vehicle while the other was being serviced. 

First world problems.

The merciless god of perfection aligned the stars on this day; everyone having to be in different places at the same time. I was working an alternate schedule that required an earlier in-time, Brian had tutoring before school, Geneva had choir rehearsal before school and Michelle had to sharpen her sleeping skills. I’m kidding [because sometimes she reads my post], but no seriously. She chauffeured the kids and I rode the city bus. 

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Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday

November 2007.

Scene: Business luncheon for social purposes.

I was dining with my direct manager, our portfolio manager and a team of portfolio managers from servicing. Our team managed commercial loans before they were packaged into securitization. Portfolio managers from servicing managed pools of loans after they are securitized. This is relative.

Not so random observation: The restaurant was located in the Gateway Village which has been a problematic location for restaurants. I’m witness to three great concepts unable to maintain.

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Thoughts (We've Got)

Thoughts (We've Got)

The Low End Theory 

Without fail every woman in each relationship sector; family, friendship, vocation and a four letter word beginning with L and ending with E require the blinds to be open upon awakening. 

I believe I'm alive, functioning and able to maintain strictly from the prayers of my mother, sister(s) and The Future. "I have the desire to do what is good, but I can not carry it out." Romans 7:18

I've unsuccessfully attempted to honor my male body. Never have I stated "this time will be different" however I have and it has. Learning from my failures I've cut out high-fat foods, I've begun to eat more broiled and baked chicken, turkey and fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts and I've completely cut out sugar. No more #SweetLife. One of my goals for 2014 was to get everyone in the house on board, it has been mildly successful [others won't give up the sugar completely] and contagious. Family and friends have committed to healthier living.

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Monday Musings... or What's on My Mind Right Now.

Borrowed theme from author Diane Dorce's blog Miz's Write For Life 

No matter my activity level in these social or real streets there is one constant anytime I return;  singilism, a term coined by expert Bella DePaulo, Ph.D. that refers to the stereotyping and stigmatizing of people who are single. The conversations are one-sided, being single from a male perspective is missing or I follow and know too many single women. 

Just prepped a few pieces of Salmon. I will pan sear and bake them for myself, (Michelle will make Salmon croquets for herself, Geneva & Brian for dinner) I'm in a no fry zone.  I prepared breakfast for the family; bacon & eggs nothing significant, nothing I haven't done a million times. Maestro at my feet, begging for scraps. Brian on the couch playing Xbox. Michelle and Geneva still in bed. For all that I do I never get acknowledge for it. "Thank you mom, breakfast was delicious." Even the dog, after throwing him a few scraps worships Michelle.

Nothing but bad news for a few members of my extended family, close friends and co-workers this past week. Often I pray for others more than I pray for myself. I'm not afraid of bad things happening. I’m afraid of good things not happening.

I've seen a couple of events play out in the media and on twitter, I caution folks not to give into "Positive Image Mentality"; a phrase coined by Nelson George that suggests that the crux [among other things] of Black upward mobility is the concept that we must reject any and all information that highlights the flaws of African-American lifestyles & nuances, whether they are blatant truths or stereotypes.

Women be shopping & talking. 

I've learned that there are things you shouldn't have to apologize for. Things I won't apologize for ... saying no, my introversion [desiring alone time to think, read, pray, sleep or whatever], not feeling well.

I Am. 

Random Observation #2,915

I have friends, co-workers and family members who always offer their opinion or love to make the conversation about them. What I haven't figured out is if this is simply their communication style or if it really should always be about them. I recently had surgery and wanted to keep folks informed, what I received from some were personal stories of failure and what I would do's if I were you's. Unlike the Compassion of Others

I'm pretty good about self-solving [TramueL's Law: A theory is better than its explanation] but I'm also not afraid to ask for help when needed. My be you [tiful] mind broke it down so it is forever and consistently broke.  

In communicating; verbally or electronically I will follow TramueL's Law: 

Self-reference. I will regularly use "to-me" language. My views, value judgements, beliefs, assumptions and conclusions are my own.  Just like everyone else. 

Non-aggression. I will refrain from personal attacks on living souls who disagree with me; no calling out their name, talking about their mama, sarcasm, covert tweets or shade. 

Providing advice. I will provide advice only if solicited. One of the keys to giving advice is knowing when a person actually wants it. I have a girl that is a friend that calls or texts to complain [sometimes daily] but she does not want advice. Even when there is a problem with a clear solution, she will ignore it and continue to complain. At those times, I realize that she only seeks to vent and get the thoughts out of her head. No solution is being sought nor will she implement one in the future. 

Vibes & Stuff

Vibes & Stuff

Julian Date 2456647.3125 there was an impromptu discussion about childhood memories with those whom I share cubicle space. Mostly everyone exchanged stories of teen defiance. Skipping school? Check. I did it the smooth way; I would call my mother and ask her to check me out. Skipping ain’t easy. Underage drinking? Nah, I didn’t have my first drink until I was twenty-one. Age ain’t nothing but a number, but watch out for the R. Among the group, the most common indiscretion was underage driving. Young souls taking the keys to the family whip all while their parents lay sleeping, hung-over or otherwise occupied. The infamous joy ride, I plead the fifth dimension bruh’ … at times my mother reads my post.

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