Life Changes - Reginald

Life Changes - Reginald

Most of my friends and colleagues have gotten married, had children, and their children are starting families while I have only been married once no children, and living a single life. The expectations of life not just socially but in most of our minds are to have a sustaining career, a loving family, and look forward to an empty nest where grandchildren come and bring life to a quiet living space. We are expected to be living comfortably and swearing at the mailman or bank if the retirement check is late.

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Life Changes - Davina

Life Changes - Davina

I wish someone would have told me that adulting is complete BS. I would love to go back to high school days, or even my college years, where I had no responsibilities, was broke as hell, but yet still managed to travel, enjoy fine dining, and just have more free time to enjoy life. I am currently in my early 30s, SINGLE AF and FNF, and just getting started in my field of study, and when I say I have no life. I LITERALLY have no life. When I’m not at work, I’m at home, mainly sleeping or catching up on my “programs” like the old lady I am, and when I’m not home I’m working my ass off only to be living paycheck to paycheck…

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Life Changes - Nicole C.

Life Changes - Nicole C.


As Do Titles and Roles

As a single, motherless woman in the prime of life, with 19 nieces & nephews, and 8 grand-nieces & nephews – there’s a role that I have grown into amongst my Calvo Clan – that of “Auntie Nicci, The Cool Aunt”.

Trust me when I tell you that I never took myself for the one person that all my siblings’ children gravitate toward. To be frank, I’m not particularly nurturing or motherly or sweet, but for whatever reason these younger generations ask frequently to sleepover or hangout or have a bbq or have poker nights at my house at least twice a month.

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Life Changes - Doug

Life Changes - Doug

The illustrious Mr. Tramuel has been a fairly long time Twitter connection of mine. We've both enjoyed our online interactions with each other over the years but what I remember most about those interactions is centered around our physical fitness journey - specifically us both using a fitness tracking app called Gyroscope

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Life Changes - Nona

Life Changes - Nona

Human nature wants recognition. It wants admiration for good deeds. But grace hides its good works and private devotion and gives all praise to God. Such grace is a heavenly light, a gift from God. It is the mark of a truly spiritual person. As nature is restrained, grace increases and the soul becomes stamped with the image of God.

- A profound reinterpretation of the writings of Thomas à Kempis, by Bernard Bangley

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Life Changes - The Intro

Life Changes - The Intro

In September two thousand eleven I turned 41 and started a writing project where I asked family and friends to share their stories of growing old. A creative way to celebrate my birthday turned into an awe-inspiring display on their attitude towards life. I repeated the project in two thousand fourteen. I am back in two thousand twenty two for a third installment.

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The Beauty of Life Changes

The Beauty of Life Changes

As sudden and tragic as death always is, the daily functions of life must go on.

… And sometimes we feel guilty for laughing and having a good time, but I hope you know she would want you to enjoy your life and wouldn’t want to be the source of your sadness

- Nikks

I Am grateful for the loved ones in my life. My family and friends— inclusive of those on digital lists, they have all been a great source of comfort. The beauty is the lesson grief teaches us, we cannot rely on ourselves we need others.

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The Pain of Life Changes

The Pain of Life Changes

My mother passed on Monday, September 05, 2022.

I don’t write for circumstances, but solace from them.

Grief came to me, my family, and her friends like a vicious knife; sudden, terrifying, painful, and penetrating— Creating wounds that will take a very long time to heal. Grief is an intense emotion, all encompassing of the different pain and sorrow we feel after a heavy personal loss. Degrees of emotion vary from person to person and almost always runs the same course…

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Alphalary for a Healthy Lifestyle - Laughter Learning Limits Living Love Longevity

Alphalary for a Healthy Lifestyle - Laughter Learning Limits Living Love Longevity

I went to see Don ‘D.C.’ Curry Saturday with NOVA. Sitting next to her, a woman a year older than me who looks better than a twenty-five year old — this isn’t subjective, she takes care of herself physically, mentally, and spiritually. In contrast I watched a man ten years older walk out on stage, semi-assisted, to a stool to sit in while he performed his set.

I Am reminded of the impermanence of life.

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Pleasure and Failure Feed Each Other Daily

Pleasure and Failure Feed Each Other Daily

Adopt a new perspective.

Right now it's easy to feel a sense of oneness with everyone around you. It's the result of an internal recalibration, rather than an external one. It doesn't have to be defined right now.

The title is pulled directly from my Co-Star Astrology daily update. We all have choices, and one of the largest benefits of astrology is the ability to understand ourselves better beyond for entertainment purposes only.

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Someone asked me the other day if I were happy. In context I understand why. In a social media world of happiness theater, competition on happiness and not real happiness, but who could display it best online. I believe they genuinely wanted to know. especially seeing the changes in my life in real time over the past two years.

“Saying you are happy isn’t the same as being happy”

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We Fly Like That

We Fly Like That

“Falling in love” implies a descension, also a bit of risk, too. When we fall it is generally associated with something negative happening to us. I tripped and fell inside of a woman I just met and now she is carrying my baby. Bad meaning bad, not bad meaning good. In the curious case of falling in love however, we tend to glamorize and adore the fall.

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Journal Entry Pain

Journal Entry Pain

I have been trying to write this for a week and a half with no real understanding of what I’m trying to say – There have been four deaths announced to me during that time; co-workers, family of close friends, and classmates.

Mastering fear & anxiety, I’ve learned how to respond to news of death by being open, honest and sincere.

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Well-Nigh Unassailable

Well-Nigh Unassailable

Relationships coming to an end has been a BIG theme in my circles this week, and by relationships I’m referring to an emotional connection between living souls - not exclusive to a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E. I had a friendship end as recently as a month ago. I didn’t argue, I didn’t ponder, I moved on as I’m sure they have.

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Dear Virgo,

Dear Virgo,

One common Virgo trait is the tendency to be introspective, additionally for me with Moon in Gemini, Moon square Mercury specifically (Science) … there is always a conflict between my head and my heart. My emotions telling me one thing and my mind telling me something else. The result is a see-saw effect: Emotional to the point of irrationality at one moment, and logical the next.

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