A Love of Beauty

I don’t recall the first time we met, our history goes back as far as my memory serves. We grew up in the same neighborhood, I’ve known her all of my life. I credit her for my progression in school, she has helped me grow spiritually, as well as physically. Always there to provide assistance, providing me with enough information to make an informed decision to seek and find my own way. I do recall when we first became intimate. I love everything about this woman, her smell, the way she feels in my hand, her skin tone. I start at the front and turn her over ensuring I don’t miss any part. I must admit that certain parts of her fascinate me; the way her body curves when she is open, the crease in the small of her back. I can tell she appreciates me and is excited by my touch; she shifts, bends & folds begging to be turned over & over & over & over again until we finish.

I love you Book(s) … you are a thing of beauty.

The Week of Depth

The Week of Depth

A reprise toFour Letter Words Beginning With L

Of Loss

A wife lost her husband, children lost their father & a grandfather, a church lost a member, co-workers lost a friend and a community lost a steward. Mastering fear & anxiety, I’ve learned how to respond to death by being open, honest and sincere. Don’t suppress affection, tell others how you feel constantly and show them often.

Rest in peace Frank, you will be missed.

Of Life

Filtering out negative and pessimistic emotions lead you to positive thinking; more options and possibilities exist.

Of Lust

I went dancing, we had a great time but we will not become permanent partners. I think it was something we both needed.

“Sex is fire, Celibacy is water … both can purify”

My truth? Afterwards the void was still there, there is nothing like dancing with someone you absolutely adore, cherish and four letter word beginning with L and ending in E.

Of Love

I’m open.

Mr. “Be Responsible But Don’t Forget To Dream” TramueL

He Said, She Said ...

"One of the reasons inequality gets so deep in this country is that everyone wants to be rich. That’s the American ideal. Poor people don’t like talking about poverty because even though they might live in the projects surrounded by other poor people and have, like, ten dollars in the bank, they don’t like to think of themselves as poor. It’s embarrassing." ~Jay-Z, Decoded {Where I'm From}

He Said, She Said

" Even though I have a feeling that sooner or later it's all going to crash, I still accept Richard's [Pryor] friendship. He is irresistible."

~Paul Money, Black is the New White

Posted from WordPress for Android

He Said, She Said ...

"So now it's time to move. From who you were, who they said you were, even who you thought you were, to the man or woman with a new plan, a divine plan." ~Kirk Franklin, The Blueprint

Raven's Brew

Raven's Brew Raven's Brew by Christina P. Davis

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My copy arrived this morning. I skimmed through the contents to get a feel for the book. The titles are creative and grabbed my attention, the actual poem(s) held it. I began reading on the ride to work (Mass Transit - Never read & drive),while at lunch, break and on the ride home. I was unable to stop reading, I read each once, twice and thrice. First to gain an understanding of the writers intentions, second to gain understanding of my own interpretation and lastly to relate that understanding to my personal experiences. I love poetry and appreciate the way writers effectively communicate by colliding words through thought onto paper. This is a book review, so Raven's Brew inspires creative thought through a series serendipitous occurrences ...

View all my reviews

A Change Is Gonna Come


A_Change_Is_Gonna_Come.mp3 Listen on Posterous

I was born by the river in a little tent
Oh and just like the river I've been running ever since
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

It's been too hard living but I'm afraid to die
'Cause I don't know what's up there beyond the sky
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

I go to the movie and I go downtown
Somebody keep telling me, "Don't hang around"
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

Then I go to my brother
And I say, "Brother, help me please"
But he winds up knockin' me
Back down on my knees

Oh there been times that I thought I couldn't last for long
But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will

Sunday Shout Out!



Mom’s are sweet, with a cherry on top!

Happy Mother’s Day to my Social Media Queens~

Melzie, Goddess, Sunny, Nikks, QB, Ro’, Miz, Blaq, Je’, September, JenDiva

It is a Be You Tiful Day, celebrate life & your ability to give life.

He Said, She Said …

“A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.”  ~Some Irish Dude

Mr. “I LOVE My Mama” TramueL

Mr.TramueL is a Musicophile ... Aloe Blacc "Good Things"

aloe_blacc_good_things I was first introduced to Mr. Blacc’s music through what I believed to be a McDonald’s dollar menu commercial. You may have seen it on Centric, it truly sounds like a McDonalds commercial in support of their dollar menu. “I Need A Dollar” is the lead song from Good Things, as the tune played I heard a familiar, soulful voice that immediately grabbed my attention. What I found was that it was not an infomercial but a “Spotlight” as Centric Selects / Featured Artist. In any event, it put to mind the Coca-Cola Commercial featuring Tyrese, where he has on headphones and really feels the music or him-self and begins singing aloud. I tried that once but when I opened my eyes instead of thunderous applause I got a bunch of gas faces.

The music is very soulful, reminiscent of greats from the past. Mr. Blacc, born Egbert Nathaniel Dawkins III is hailed by many as "the voice of the recession" … I’m neither a music critic or reviewer but a fan so I will leave that for the Music Bloggers & Editorials. There is however an undeniable conscious; a political soul that truly reflects our current state.

He Said, She Said …

“ … my master plan is to use music to expose what needs exposing” - Egbert Nathaniel Dawkins III

4 out of 4 Headphones

Mr. “If my name was Egbert I would find a clever moniker too”  TramueL


He Said, She Said ... A Humble Spirit

"Strategic success is dealing with the real enemy of your purpose the soul (mind, will, intellect and emotions). Just as the strings of an instrument respond to the touch of human fingers so does your body respond to the impressions of your soul. Yes, it really does matter what you feed your soul. A humble spirit wants to change but you will only see results when one desires to change."

- A Facebook Status Update Via T. Brown

Mr.TramueL Is A Bibliophile … Raven’s Brew

Raven's BrewRaven's Brew byChristina P. Davis My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My copy arrived this morning. I skimmed through the contents to get a feel for the book. The titles are creative and grabbed my attention, the actual poem(s) held it. I began reading on the ride to work (Mass Transit - Never read & drive),while at lunch, break and on the ride home. I was unable to stop reading, I read each once, twice and thrice. First to gain an understanding of the writers intentions, second to gain understanding of my own interpretation and lastly to relate that understanding to my personal experiences. I love poetry and appreciate the way writers effectively communicate by colliding words through thought onto paper. This is a book review, so Raven's Brew inspires creative thought through a series serendipitous occurrences ... listen to your {He}art ~ Red heart

I Love Blogging You ~


View all my reviews

You Must Adjust


“History becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.”

English novelist and futuristic thinker H.G. Wells

Via Pratical Intelligence | The Art and Science of Common Sense - Karl Albrecht

He Said, She Said ... Imperfections

Meez "In a perfect world we would live like the 'Cleavers'. Instead because of all the imperfections, I believe it’s seasoned us to be the beautiful, strong, intelligent and at times dysfunctional people that we are!"

~ Michelle Brown

The Terrifying Acceleration of Interpersonal Communications Will Uglify All Hope for Human Psyche IV

meezAnimatedBodyshot300x400meezAnimatedBodyshot300x400(1) Conversations via Technology VS Conversations via Phone

♬ People don’t talk no more ♫ all they do is this ♪ all they do is this …

Textersations, e-mails, blog posts and social media sites are the new Moto M900’s.

I know smart people and they will argue that a phone could be considered technology. Sit ya’ll smart asses down. Ya’ll make me cuss. Please ASSume that I’m referring to traditional vs written.

Conversations are interactive, extemporaneous exchanges of thoughts and feelings between folk(s). Mr.TramueL is neither a proponent or opponent for either; the pros can be cons, cons can be pros. Science is true, don’t be misled by facts.


Multiplicity of conversation(s): Emailing your co-worker, on g-chat with your boo, texting your ex, messenger with your sweetie, Tweet’s about the cold sore on your lip, photo’s on Facebook of your freshly painted toe(s). Ya’ll already know how I feel about feet. Ladies, inbox me!

Spontaneous: With respect to Twitter, Facebook, BBM & now LiveProfile, depending on the number of friends or followers your conversational partners are endless. Smashing random folk through tech is a lot safer than smashing random folk in real life. Tech responsibly my friends.

Rules: Don’t apply. They are contextual, they apply in certain situations and not in others. I’m … my age isn’t important, but I won’t curse in front of my mom but I can text the F word while she is sitting right next to me.


Protect Privacy: Mr.TramueL has recently become green, while trying to save some green I’ve become a frequent rider of CATS, no not that! Ya’ll are so nasty! Charlotte Area Transit Authority & nothing is more important than the ability to move a conversation to a private area. I mean not everyone needs to know the result of your stool sample.

Structure: A beginning, middle and an end. Have you ever had a conversation on a Social Media site were you respond and eagerly await a reply to your rather witty response? How did that make you feel? Sad, I know. No words hurt, abrupt departures can hurt. While using the phone, unless you are using an iPhone on A T & T-Mobile & your call is dropped, there is usually a formal close to spare your fragile ego.

Engagement: You can not detect mood, tone or inflection through technology.Voicetime allows you to demonstrate understanding. It also allows you to maintain coherence. You know what I’m talking about, we all have that friend that rambles on with messages all over the place while texting, communication should be relevant to the previous message. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, that friend is you.

What ya’ll got? Any pros or cons to Teching VS Calling?

Mr. “These are my fingers, this is my phone … I use these for pleasure, I use this for fun” TramueL

Oh! Introducing my new closing, shout out to September ‘cause I stole it from her …

I love Blogging you!


He Said, She Said ... Bringing Others Up

" Today's word is ANOTHER. You are successful but have you helped someone else up the ladder with you? Is there someone you could mentor? Find time to help another ... "

~Leslie Tramuel

Doubly Dynamic

A Thought About Happiness & Love

... apply separately or together.

Sometimes we don’t believe we are deserving of happiness & or love. Subconsciously we attempt to block, make excuses for and deny ourselves the opportunity to be great. Don't allow all of the "injustice collecting" you've done over the years to block you from happiness or love. 'Injustice collectors use their powers of mind to conjure up different ways to feel offended, cheated, or otherwise victimized'

Be Great.

A Thought About Complaining & Faith

Sometimes I  complain about my present place of employment and the nature of what I do. GOD is infinitely creative at providing us opportunities as lessons.

Most of my day is spent fielding questions & listening to folk vent & complain about my place of employment and the nature of what I do. Irony.  Today presented an opportunity and a lesson about faith. I spoke with a woman who has experienced every hardship imaginable but told an incredible story of unyielding Faith & how GOD saw her through.

He Said, She Said ...

"A Christian must keep the faith, but not to himself"

~Some Random Dude or Dudette

Mr. TramueL

A Touchy Feely Moment & A Lesson

M.Dolphus Avatar

M.Dolphus Avatar

The Touchy, Feely Moment

Lil’ Mr.TramueL “ Hey Dad, What you doing?”

Mr.TramueL “Nothing, “ Talking to you, What you doing?”

Lil’ Mr.TramueL “Nothing, Talking to you”

Mr.TramueL “How was school?”

Lil’ Mr.TramueL “Dad! We’re on Spring break!”

Mr.TramueL “I know, I was just messing with you 0_0”

My days run together, don’t judge me

… That conversation would continue for another twenty minutes until something on the t.v. caught his attention or until he became bored with me so let’s end it there. The significance of the conversation comes when I discoverer all of the conveniences, sacrifices and all around concern his mother displayed for the kids this week. It is not significant because I observed it, but because it goes without saying everyday, three-sixty-five. The love she exudes for her children is amazing. Shout out to my mom, your mom, baby mama’s, my sister’s, future mama’s and to all of you women reading this post. There is no substitute for you.

The Lesson

The photo above is a pretty accurate depiction of the ex in looks and gifts. Well the hips are a little smaller in the picture but I digress. She is a classically trained lyric soprano but owns and operates her own business working with disadvantage youth.

The last sentence is relative to the conversations, discussions, textersations, blog post, blog comments & thoughts I’ve had this week concerning purpose, vocation & listening for the voice that calls you.

He Said, She Said … Vision

“Don’t let YOUR vision stand in the way of GOD’S dream”
