small Words BIG Meaning

small Words. BIG Meaning.  

Thank You

You Matter

I’m Sorry

I Appreciate You

I Care

I Admire You

I Love You

You Can Do It

I Need You

I’m Here For You

I Support You

Great Job

I Forgive You

You Are Safe

You’re Welcome

I Admire You

You Can Trust Me

You Are Beautiful

I Was Wrong

I Believe In You

I Understand


Happy Valentine’s Day. Spread Love.

Mr. “Demonstrative in Love” TramueL

Get Like Me.

What I’ve Been Doing To Improve My Mind Body & Soul



We worry & stress ourselves to death over things that we can not control. Don’t hang on to past hurts, emotional sufferings & self-defeating behaviors. Learn to let go.

Take Action

There is more to life than just hard work. Find your passion and go after it.


The Bible. “You can accomplish more in an hour with God than one lifetime without Him.” Just like studying for school, you have to engage in what you are reading. Mrs. Wingo my High School Latin teacher used to tell me the best way to learn something was to practice it. Solvo, captus factum quod studying vox of Deus.

To practice what we learn from the Bible is to live truth instead of professing it. I’m still transforming, eternal student.


Right now it’s more like walk|run{ing} but I’ll get there. Advice from experienced runners that I’m following: 1Run slowly, my body has to get used to the action of running. 2Increase the incline on the treadmill {or run uphill if outside}, it strengthens your cardio-vascular fitness. Additionally, it’s easy on my knees and joints because the ground rises up to meet me.

Get like me, but do you to improve your mind, body & soul.


Rhythm Less Nation

operabirds0 5 4 3 2 1 … I’m In Control

Control – is the ability to purposefully direct, or suppress, change.

Labor Pains (Rambling from the epidural)

As always my post are sponsored by random observations about nothing, yet everything. As I planned my return to the Blogosphere (still not ready) however part of my resolve for Two Thousand One One is to tackle procrastination & my fear of commitment. I’ve committed to posting once a week and I stated that I would return in February, so here I am. Procrastination (check), Commitment (check). Win. Win.

Any who, I thought about my Blog and the content of said Blog. I’ve observed that I tend to shy away from politics, current events and dating. I’ve found that if someone makes three consecutive guesses with respect to any of these they become an expert. I refuse to have conversations about any of these unless it’s with a Professor of Political Science, Economics, Anthropology or Halle Berry naked. Judge me.

Conversation, n. - A fair to the display of the minor mental commodities, each exhibitor being too intent upon the arrangement of his own wares to observe those of his neighbor.

Ambrose Bierce – The Devils Dictionary

People tend to be owned by their opinions. Opinion, position, both so matter of fact, so end of discussion, case closed. … I’m open. There is always more to know, more to learn & consider. I’m okay with “I’ve changed my mind”

“Mr.TramueL where are you going with this?” … I’m glad you asked.

The Baby

I take in a lot from my environment to the point I may over analyze the smallest of details. While I tend to stay away from the above mentioned it’s hard not to focus on relationships, certainly men & women but all relationships; Four Letter Word Beginning With L & Ending in E, Familial, Friendship, Work & Marriage. The women in my life, and by women I mean girlfriends, and by girlfriends I mean girls that are friends. Plutonic. They all seem to be on the same roller coaster ride with the men in their lives. One essential observation is the attempt at control displayed by both parties. That control (or lack of) gives way to power plays and power struggles.

I don’t have a solution, however those struggles can probably be attributed to some mama and daddy issues. I digress. I like to look at things holistically, if you recognize it as control or power you can use your super human power for good not evil. 1 Use power to achieve mutual goals. 2 Tune in to the power of a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E. Recognizing that neither of you want to let up your guard, you should know that defensive posturing prevents real In To Me See.


Be open. Be susceptible to change.

Mr. “No one {Wo}Man should have all that Power” TramueL

A Humble Spirit


"Strategic success is dealing with the real enemy of your purpose the soul (mind, will, intellect and emotions). Just as the strings of an instrument respond to the touch of human fingers so does your body respond to the impressions of your soul. Yes, it really does matter what you feed your soul. A humble spirit wants to change but you will only see results when one desires to change."

- A Facebook Status Update Via T. Brown

I Love Google Voice & I Love This Dude


Google Voice Msg.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Fashion conscious at age seven. He saw something that he liked in a store at the mall & is now asking if I'm coming to pick him up on Wednesday (My evening off from work) because he is waiting. Lol! He volunteered me to go back and get it.

Facebook Status | Negative Things

"Hey - If negative things continue to happen to you. Stop asking for prayer and change your own situation. Negative things continue to happen to people who are POOR decision makers. Enhancing the ability to make GREAT decisions automatically improves your outcomes. Stupidity - Let's stop it TODAY!!"


Merry Christmas ... and here's $100

I read this article in the Barber Shop on Saturday, just wanted to share ... Wonderful story.


"Secret Santas spread blessings to folks all over town, from thrift-store shoppers to school employees."

The last thing Alana McClendon expected to find when she opened her door Friday morning was a bunch of well-meaning strangers handing her money.

So when the businessmen and women who go around the city each year playing "Secret Santa" pressed a crisp $100 bill into her palm and wished her a Merry Christmas, she hardly knew how to respond.

"It is such a blessing," she said, beaming at them. "Such a blessing."

Similar scenes unfolded wherever the Santas went Friday. The participants, who insist on anonymity, take thousands of dollars from their own bank accounts and give bills to strangers around the city.

Their inspiration is the late Larry Stewart, a Kansas City, Mo., businessman who handed out $100 bills each holiday season. People in other cities now do it, too, hoping to spread the Christmas spirit and inspire everyone to random acts of kindness.

"It's about the pure joy you're able to give people," one Charlotte businessman said.

This year, the fourth time they've done this in Charlotte, the Santas were accompanied by about a half-dozen volunteers from the Charlotte police and fire departments. Even Police Chief Rodney Monroe tagged along.

Armed with newspaper clippings about needy people, they crisscrossed the city, shepherded by police cruisers and motorcycles. Sometimes, the police officers told them about good-hearted people they could help. They appeared on McClendon's doorstep, for instance, when Monroe asked them to stop by the YWCA's transitional housing complex for homeless families.

But they also reveled in chance encounters with needy people. They'd stop driving and hop out of their van when they spotted an elderly woman walking slowly along, or a disabled man walking with a cane.

At the Goodwill Outlet store on Freedom Drive, they found Felicia Adams putting out items for customers. She'd gone to work heavy-hearted because doctors in New York said her cancer-stricken father was dying.

She needed to get up there fast, but she had no money for travel.

When the Secret Santas gave her a $100 bill, she figured she might get to see her father after all. She broke down, sobbing so hard her words came out a hoarse whisper. "I am so happy."

As the convoy passed the Brookhill Village apartment complex in south Charlotte, the Santas spotted Dynasty Taylor holding his 2-year-old son Elijah's hand.

The Santas made a U-turn and gave Taylor $100.

"He's a good-looking boy," one told him. "Buy something nice for him."

"This is a blessing, man," Taylor said. "I'm shocked."

At Thomasboro Elementary School, the Santas gave bills to hard-working teachers, custodians and secretaries.

"I can't work no more today," one custodian said, laughing as she wiped away tears. "They done messed me up."

At the Community Thrift Store on Freedom Drive, they found foster parent Donna Green searching the racks for bargains. She'd been laid off in October from her job at a day care center.

She, too, broke down crying.

"God bless you," she said, hugging one of the Santas.

They moved through the store, passing out more bills. A cashier burst into tears. An elderly woman who said she had no heat hugged another who said she was on the verge of losing her house.

Green moved past them, heading for the door. She was too emotional to continue shopping.

"God is so good," she said. "He sends people in your path to bless you."


Get A Boo’ In Your Life


Tis the season! … for break ups. Psychoanalyst would have you believe that holidays are symbolic of change or mark the passage of time. Do folk really want to spend another year with someone when their relationship is sub par at best? Don’t answer, it was rhetorical. Mr.Psychoanalyst has a point but Mr.TramueL believes that folk on Earth have read Seven Radical Ways to Save Money. Page fifteen clearly states “2 is not equal to 3, not even for large values of 2”  Science. Mr.TramueL what does that mean? It means folk don’t appreciate the extra commitments that accompany the holidays. It's a greater investment of time, energy, MONEY and love. Science is true, don’t be misled by facts.… to make ups. Is this relationship worth saving? Will a make up last? Are you ready for a make up? I’ll answer the questions with a question. Did you have a good relationship with your ex before the holidays? Probably not.

Don’t worry Mr.TramueL is a four letter word beginning with L and ending in E enabler. Follow this easy step to surviving a holiday breakup.

“Get a boo in your life”

The Top Five Boo’s of All Time. All Time.

The {Boo}ty call Boo

They put the boo in booty. You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make them think.  Listen, listen, listen ho’ is merely short for honey, I just got lazy and dropped the ‘ney like when they drop to their kne … oh never mind.

The Winter Boo

Historically, more babies are born in the Winter months so you should lay without laying. Check.This one is contradictory, think of this in terms of the actual seasons.  In the summer the sun is high at noon. Hot. The move to Autumn tends to cool things down. Warm. When Winter comes, rather than be left out in the Cold, opt for something warm to lay next too. Sometimes we all just want to be held. That is until Spring when things start to heat up again.

The Work Boo

Most of you know this one as the work spouse, but that sounds more fatal attraction if anything. We spend a great deal of time at work, science proves that we have a tendency to form friendships with folk we encounter often. Propinquity effect. We all need someone to laugh at our jokes, eat lunch with & talk about other co-workers with.

The Standby Boo

The Work Boo relationship is non existent after the hours of five p.m. & that’s when you need a standby boo in your life. These are folk you keep around, they have potential but you keep em’ in the friend zone. Immediate In To Me See is there without the sex or commitment.

The Instant Message Boo

BBM, Twitter, Email, iChat, Texting … Social Media “pushes a Q45” infinite. A network of supportive friend(s) can be valuable. It is important to have others available to call on when the need arises. This is my personal favorite as it teaches us how to stand alone and be independent, or to work through issues which caused trouble in a past relationship before moving in to a new one. Here girls & boys can be willing conduits into the world of men & women. Class.

I see you like to talk, I hear you baby. Get a boo in yo’ life & please feel free to add your boo types in the comments.

Live Well,

Mr. “It’s Winter & I’m so cold” TramueL

Destroy & Rebuild

build1Facebook_256 Alright here we are … As many of you may know {because you care} I’ve seriously given consideration to deleting my Facebook account. Conversations directly & indirectly related to it’s destruction have caused me to have a discussion, albeit with myself, valid exploration.

I tried to ask myself why without offense but naturally I viewed this as an attack & had to defend my position.

Likes & {Dis}Likes in the same breath

I like the fact that social media presents an opportunity for personal & business relationships. I dislike the fact that social media presents an opportunity for personal & business relationships.

Of Likes

Twitter, Facebook, WordPress & the count(ed) number of networking tools that I use have my attention, but not because of some addiction {crack is whack} but because they provide value. I’m able to stay in contact with work friends as we move into different roles & drop a dime on em’ when they call out sick but update their status with “Having fun at the beach! bea(ot)ches!” It also enables discovery, I’ve found many interesting sites that challenge me & inspire my own creativity. I’ve also met very interesting people with whom I’ve been able to engage in mentally stimulating conversations & very silly & fun conversations.

Of {Dis}Likes

In trying to build a network I was guilty of friend hoarding {in the beginning} accepting every request from old classmate(s), every request from local promoter(s), every request for business page(s) There was no way for me to be engaged with so many. I’m pretty introverted & never really post to Facebook that often, however the apps I use provide constant access to my time line so I’m able to see what others are posting … I’ll just say I’d rather be a good “friend” to a few than dis-connected from so many.

Save Deletion | Destroy & Rebuild

Destroy: Transitive and intransitive verb to ruin something or make something useless.

Rebuild: 1To work to restore something that has been weakened, damaged or ruined 2To make major alterations or improvements to something.

My plan is to destroy & rebuild … this is how I will continue to use Social Media & Facebook:

To have fun, To “Hip” others - make aware of and influence by the thoughts and ideas based on social, economic and cultural background, For Empowerment, To share news & post information for events, To meet other folk with brains, {I is intelligent too} … Hopefully this will spark a thought, a thought will spark a conversation, a conversation will spark a debate, a debate will spark some fun. Slingshot engaged.

Harm None,

Mr.TramueL is the only person to ever ace a Rorschach Test.

Never Trust A BIG Butt & A Smile


Conversation(s) at work range from politics, religion, relationship(s), music & of course sex. Men brag about their storied histories, while women keep their freaky a little sneaky. My “love” would be proud of itself it were a thing that breathed air & drank water. I deferred from the macho bravado, sexual connotations & innuendos leaving those to the imagination “mental pictures, no cameras please.” Simply smiling as others told stories of their sexcapades.

I personally believe in quality over quantity and as these discussion(s) play out, on average most were above average concerning the number of partners they’ve had. I’ll take them at their word but my experience has been a little different.


The following account, for all intensive purposes is for your entertainment pleasure only. Any likeness to you or your representative is purely coincidental. I have omitted a few hundred of the random women I’ve smashed beautiful ladies from my past as I only want to high-light significant milestones on my Love Time-Line.

Mr.TramueL’s “Love Time-Line” set to MusiQ Titles & Lyrics

“You & Me”

I never thought on the first night You would bare what you hold so dear to life And share with me all your innermost fantasies baby And afterwards in my arms you cried Had me feeling some kind of way on the inside Then I knew it was going to be me and you

My first experience was just that, thought we would be together forever. That innermost fantasy involved a chandelier, measuring tape, my naked member & paper napkin.

"Just Friends"

Girl I know this might seem strange But let me know if I'm out of order For stepping to you this way See I've been watching you for a while And I just gotta let you know That I'm really feeling your style Cause I have to know your name And leave you with my number And I hope that you would call me someday If you want you can give me yours too And if you don't I ain't mad at'cha We can still be cool cause

My second “love” was with the most beautiful girl in the world, but I only wanted to give her the bizness. She thought we were more. I mean who wouldn’t after a year of laying horizontal doing the humpty, humpt. I coined the phrase “friends with benefits.”


Listen you know people are you know they gonna talk shit So be prepared cause we doing this regardless Of what my mother say or what your father say We just gotta make sure we on the same page Cause this is ours it involves nobody else don't get me wrong we always use a little help But honestly all we got is each other And the fact is im the father and you're the mother Of this kid

Next up was the longest five years of my life & when we were at the end ... famous last words “Can we do it one last time?” Next thing I know I woke up cutting the umbilical cord.


I tried to cut her off But she wasn't having it She kept telling me her age didn't mean sh-- And that's when she started to cry Baby I need you in my life And without you I just couldn't handle it So what's a brother to do (Ohh) Either way I lose (So) I could just say my piece Or piss off her peeps And talk it out with the boys in blue Cause when it comes down to it (Ohh) She was just seventeen years old And I was dead wrong from the door (Ohh)

So yeah I met  “Seventeen” somewhere in between “just friends” & “babymother” but refused her advances because she was too young, I inserted into her here because I hit it, shoot she was eighteen now, five foot seven with light-brown eyes, body built like a woman over twenty-five … Judge me, she also becomes the future Mrs.Tramuel (Notice she doesn’t get the trademarked capital L) Famous Quotes “Mr.TramueL! you fuck*ing with jail bait!” – Seventeen’s Stepdad

"Makeyouhappy" Oh, Hey, girl. Help me know, What is it that really does it for you? Is it about the things that money buys Or a man that loves you? Cause I'm just looking at how good you look And right away I wanna. So how do you want it?

Post divorce. I was free from responsibility & wanted to “love” every woman in the world. I joked about a five (Wo)man rotation. {Insert five names onto the “makeyouhappy” time stamp}


I got a real good woman now Someone between a lover and a friend It feels good when she's around Cause she's so far from all the others that I've been with

Cause I thought I knew what love was but it wasn't until she came and changed my life And now I realize that

All the love in this world, I wanna give to this girl because she makes me wanna be a better man And all the games I've played are in the pass Because I know this one's gonna last It's crazy how she makes me wanna be a better man for her

I’ll end here because I am a better man, a better man because of what the experiences of my Love Time-Line have taught me. Sexual pursuits uncover the good & bad intertwined in our heart, revealing selfishness or the honorable desires to be loving.

Choose VS Decide … be better

Harm None,

Mr.TramueL may not be right for everyone, please consult your doctor to see if he is right for you.

Shout Out Saturday: Featuring Spoken Words & Thoughts

Spoken Words This week I feature the first strong supporter of my Blog Ms. SunnyDelyte! She is fun-loving, adventuresome & imaginative; qualities that are transferable & present in  everything that she is & everything that she does. Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend & Writer.

Sunny is a Taurus, Taurus III to be exact so I thought it would be TramueListic of me to highlight my favorite post based on characteristics of her sign.

Taurus III’s are able to give form to their thoughts, to embody in a  service or artistic activity …

Holocaust VS Slavery (3 Part Series)

Holocaust VS Slavery

It’s hard for Taurus III’s to keep a low profile. Craving action & excitement, often unable to keep their strong opinions on those around them to themselves …

Callin’ Ya’ll Out: Cheaters


Taurus III’s are highly sensitive individuals who need to be left free to express themselves as directly & naturally as they wish …

Love VS Being In Love: Differences

Love VS Being In Love

There are soo many more great post, so take some time to browse the archives && check her out! She is on Day 20 of the 30 day blog challenge you can find the links to her most recent post up there, top right … “In the Spotlight”

FaceBook Fan Page

Spoken Words on Facebook

@SunnyDelyte21 on Twitter

SunnyDelyte on Twitter

Spoken Words & Thoughts on WordPress

Spoken Words & Thoughts on Wordpress

Magic Always,

Mr. “Never give up your natural & instinctive approach to life” TramueL

Attack VS Defend

Master-Yoda-256 Attack

: a belligerent or antagonistic action


: to maintain or support in the face of argument or hostile criticism

: to take action against attack or challenge

“Why?” “What?” “I think …”

Whether you asked or were asked a question starting with one of these word(s) or statement it will undoubtedly spark a thought & as folk process it, it will lead to them defending their behavior | position.

Law of Human Nature: We hate to be wrong. We will defend ourselves, family & friends even when we know they Debo’d that cookie. The reason(s) why? … man I’ont know. Maybe a need for self-approval? I’ve learned that a compulsive need for self-approval can make a person defensive, self-centered, and stubborn. Maybe to save someone from pain? I’ve learned to be responsible for my own negativity. Translation … avoid absorbing others opposition, stay connected to a sense value in yourself.

I guess we have to understand that when we ask “why”, we are going to get “reasons.” Not the truth, not a lie either but because we feel attacked and because we read on page 506 of the Nothing Is Easier Than Fooling Ourselves Handbook where it clearly states avoid saying “I’ont know” or “I can’t really explain”  … we answer quickly, building a foundation to construct that reason && we won’t stop, can’t stop. #BadBoyBaby #TakeThatTakeThat

Mr.TramueL’s Corollary: When we we yield our mighty axe & axe ask someone “why”, we are going to get reason(s) not an effective answer. I have none & therefore offer no solutions, I'm just an observationalist. Hopefully, you the reader can offer some advice.

:: Side Note :: Some of you are vain & will probably think this post is about you, won’t you? You’re right … Communications with September, B’Q, Dwayne & a random lady in line at Costco sparked a thought, a thought sparked a thought process, a process sparked a theory … It’s amazing how we can be separated by age, distance, education, socio & economic backgrounds but have the same thoughts & warring ideals.


Mr. “A theory is always better than its explanation” TramueL

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry

Shout Out Saturday: Featuring Blaq Daisy


♬♫♪ Shorty I'm there for you anytime you need me For real girl, it's me in your world, believe me Nuttin make a man feel better than a woman Queen with a crown that be down for whatever There are few things that's forever, my lady We can make war or make babies … ♬♫♪ ~Meth

♬♫♪ Like sweet morning dew, I took one look at you And it was plain to see, You were my destiny With you I'll spend my time, I'll dedicate my life I'll sacrifice for you, Dedicate my life for you … ♬♫♪ ~MJB

Hey! It’s Me … Mr.TramueL and welcome to another week of “Saturday Shout Out!” Today I have the pleasure of shouting out Ms. Blaq Daisy. I chose the musical introduction ‘cause I knew all of you would be bopping your heads as you rap & sang the verse(s) ♬♫♪

That’s the style of Ms. Daisy(s) post, lyrics {words} imbued with intelligence, wit & literal integration that keep you nodding yo’ head ♬♫♪ Nodding to the rhythm, the flow & content.

“Tracklist after the jump.” {Following the theme of music, I don’t know what it means but hey, let’s roll with it.}

"Cause I Wanna Live!": 5 Things I Don't Do Because of Slavery

BlaQ Daisy

The Roxy Sequel: When Sexting Goes Right

BlaQ Daisy II

It's My Anniversary!!: 12 Enlightening Lessons Learned

{☟You have to read this one! Absolute Madness!}

Blaq Daisy III<—“picture has nothing to do with nothing ... just thought I should say it ;)”

I’ve listed a few of the post(s) I enjoyed because of the humor, however as you dig deeper, most will cause you to investigate and integrate the lessons into your world & that’s her peace.

Interpretations: A Lesson on Walking Away

Blaq IV



girl-128Make her smile, read her blog

Bird-Alt-128Follow @BlaQDaisy on Twitter

Magic Always,

Mr. “First build a strong ego, then get rid of it” TramueL

:: Drops Mic. Shouts Out. “Are you not entertained!?, Is this not why you are here!?” Rips open shirt. Exposes Bare Chest. Ladies Scream. Fade to Black ::

Reading is {Fun!}damental

42-15866433 When I’m not sharing my random observations about nothing and yet everything, I read. I read books but due to the constraints of a paperless environment at work I’m unable to enjoy the crease in the small of her back. Enter the skill’s I’ve acquired with appearing to be working, I read Blogs.

I like to spread them out, I’ve got twenty-two inches baby. Double monitors at work allow me to keep the bizness on one screen & my favorite Blogs on the other.

I’m Mr.TramueL and I read ‘em & you should too …


Ask Willie Stylez Black 'n Bougie

BlaQ Daisy

Citizen Ojo


Daily ANTicipation


Goddess Intellect


Inconsequential Logic


Life Skills with iHustle Nation

Mason Says

Miz's Write For Life


Multi Culti Cynti

Mz. Sporadic

O Hell Nawl

Reads 4 Pleasure

Spoken Words & Thoughts

Super Blogettes

The Curvy Gurl Chronicles

Up 4 Discussion

Mind of a Diva

Minus The Bars

My Mind… Opened

Perspective: Life through My Eyes


Read Well,

Mr. “I taught my German Shepard to read Spanish” TramueL