Random Observation About Nothing #2,549,954

Random Observation About Nothing #2,549,954

I’ve been married twice, both times to a Virgo. Their quirks and classic traits have become my baseline. Eighteen years with one and over twenty with the other have shaped my entire adult life. If you asked me how a woman would act in any given scenario, my perspective would be undeniably influenced by my experiences with them…

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Think In Images

Think In Images

Experiences shape our understanding and appreciation of the world in vivid, lasting images. Art captures the essence of emotions, nature's beauty speaks to our souls through its colors and forms, and cooking becomes an act of love and connection. Each teaches us to think in images, enhancing our lives with memories that stay with us forever.

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Wounding and Healing

Wounding and Healing

I wrote this post in December 2013, and it's fascinating how little has changed since then.

Reposting now—

Exercise in Observation

My social media streams are diverse. Included are elements of everything that I love; music, food, photography, sports, and reading [books and blogs]. There are very few antipathies, if I encounter anything I disagree with, rather than debate I remind myself that living souls have the right to believe who, what, when, where, and why they want.

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Lol, I’m Just Serious

Lol, I’m Just Serious

Connection Crabbing

Connection crabbing is often the result of a relationship catalyst-- one of two parties seeking to end a relationship, whether social media or ones that spill over into the streets. The other party's hurt and confusion become destructive and are exhibited in this manner, either out of feelings of rejection or a desire to control and hurt. 

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Hi-Jacked Social Media Term – Emotional Intelligence 

Hi-Jacked Social Media Term – Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional intelligence is a widely used term, but its meaning has often been distorted. It is frequently described as the capacity to perceive, utilize, comprehend, manage, and deal with emotions.

People with high emotional intelligence are believed to recognize their emotions and those of others, use emotional information to guide their thinking and behavior, differentiate between feelings, label them appropriately, and adjust their emotions to adapt to different environments. This is a trait that many folks seeking love on social media list as something they desire in a partner.

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Logical Calisthenics

Logical Calisthenics

As Summer approaches and we move into the season where carrying sand to the beach is prohibited and where sundresses become the norm, breakups become more common. Men retreat into their soft guy era, women move into a no-contact zone. 

We are at an impasse, and the only way forward is with Logical Calisthenics. Try this calisthenics routine in the morning when you wake up or at night before bed…

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Home, body.

Home, body.

As a homebody, people often assume that I am boring or unadventurous, but that's not the case. Just last weekend I went on an adventure. I left my apartment at 7:00 AM and by 7:30 AM, I had spent a hundred dollars easily. I enjoy being at home because everything is paid for, including food, internet, drinks, water, and electricity…

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Equal. Mutual. Reciprocal.

Equal. Mutual. Reciprocal.

I believe the tendency of truth, on this subject, is to equalize the sexes; and that, when truth directs us, there will be no longer assumed authority on one side, or admitted inferiority on the other; but that as we advance in the cultivation of all our powers, physical as well as intellectual and moral, we shall see that our independence is equal, our dependence mutual, and our obligations reciprocal.

-Lucretia Mott

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Things I Would Write About But I Don't Feel Like It

Things I Would Write About But I Don't Feel Like It

Clairs’ -Clairaudience 

Clairaudient messages sound like someone talking in my mind. It is never harsh. The tone is always even and calm. Usually short messages like Yoda, and at times poetic. Reading, listening, watching, and learning more about intuition is opening my own intuition and clairaudient potential…

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Amnesia and DeJa’Vu

Amnesia and DeJa’Vu

“I want you to be happy.”

I’m experiencing amnesia and DeJa’Vu at the same time. I think I’ve written about this before.

Feeling happy for a friend who has prospered, a family member buying a new home, or your kids delighting in your grandchild learning how to walk. I discovered a new concept…

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Love Impressions

Love Impressions

I like things in their place, I'm not a neat freak per se but I do like things neat, organized, and in good order – Fastidious.

The word fastidious traces to the Latin noun fastidium, meaning "aversion" or "disgust." Fastidium itself is probably a combination of the Latin words fastus, meaning "arrogance," and taedium, meaning "irksomeness" or "disgust." Shout out to my HS Latin teacher Shirley Wingo. 

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Tramuel's Observation on Utopia

Tramuel's Observation on Utopia

I find it curious that we all believe in and desire peace in our relationships however men and women are constantly fighting on André 3000's innanet’ about the best way to achieve it.

In context of what modern women want from a man; Big bank, big dack, Uptown Condo, Million Dollar Home in Myers Park, drives a Brabus G-Wagon, writes poetry, draws, he's a thug, and a nerd, is lean like a runner, and strong like a weightlifter, he don't eat pork, but eats oysters, pays for hair and nails, buys flowers, pays all the bills, spends all his time with you, takes you to the Cheesecake Factory...

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The Four Immeasurables

The Four Immeasurables

A common unsolicited critique of me is that I Am quick to disappear and able to detach from a person, place, or thing. Random observations about nothing and yet everything over the past few weeks have me reconciling this critique.

I strive for equanimity as much as possible. I don't always succeed, I get angry or irritated like everyone else. How did I get to equanimity? We gotta go back to 1991, "Now That We Found Love" What are we gonna do with it?

That's Heavy Man…

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In the Flow of Conversation

In the Flow of Conversation

There is always a word, phrase, lyric, or theme that when new (to me) will hold my attention for weeks. I will overuse it, and apply it to any situation no matter the context ad nauseam. For the past few weeks the phrase "in the flow of conversation" has been it.

Considering the five Ws - who, what, when, where, and why - I've used the phrase a lot while actually in the flow of conversation…

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